Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

. - JnftruaionJ jor a right comf~rtin_r ' . .Seel. 1.• • the brok!n-hearted ; To the c.aptives ; To the Uinde ; T; the bruifed, lfai.6I. I .. Luk! 4. I 8. Thatthe whole need . not the Phyjitian, but they that are Sickq; And He came (d) J'J X!ti o1.1·) zd ejl, not to call the righteof/1..-5, but Jinners to repentanc.e, ~at. - &os q1ti ft bi Jttjti v!dm- 9 .. 1 z, r 3. That is,poore Soules~ flnners W:ith a witnes tNr, fi /)e. qut ft ]u.f/os even in their ow1fe apprehenfion and conceit ; And ~~'f;~~:~q':fo~~~~ hot felfe-conceited (d) Pharifles, who tho.ugh they quib1~ oppommtur pcc- be meere fl:rangers to any wound of.confc1ence for catores; i d' e(l, qui ( 110.· fin ne ; yet they -}V Ill not be perfwaded, ,that they fhall rum peccatoi'um !en/t~ be damned; but in t~e mean,~ time conte'mne and cbhvl~lmro tt, _ aduM Vet demne all others in refp(lct of themfelves : finfi.1H mifertcordlrlllJ confugr- . 1 • · c lt~tt. BczJ. (e) 'fu tJ!tcans are too grofle ;· fincere Proreffours are (<) The T ub!icanwas t90 godly. Whereas notwithftanding in true judge- . vile in their eyes: rnent, Harlots are in a (f) farre happier cafe than they. rau/after .hts co•;!er· Matth. 2 T ·3 i. That He wilt give'reft; .but to whom? ~o;~; ~~~~ft: q~::~ To thofe (g). ~hat l~hor andar~ heavy laden, ~Mat .1.1. ~ 8. felves the onely mc:n. That the Sptr~t wh1ch He would fend, l11~uld convmce Luke li.rr. t he world : F!rfl:, of jinne; and then of nghteoufoe.Jfe; ( ) Itupo iUud m_ireris: to wit/) of Chrift; It is ordinary with the Prophets; fi _ q~~tanqu_am Jufiz fe Firfi:. to difcover the finnes of their people, and to de• jhterunt corameo, & · · ' · d f: A d ·h · ' ·. ·r. h :a convenerut adcondcm· no~nce JU &mer: s : 1:1 • t e~ to prom11e C rz,;.• •?Pon vandiJ m1tlierem ream, the1r commmg m, to Ilhghteri and make them hghtij,inq~a~, dif!effe~ul'Jt fome, with raifing their thoughts to a fruitfu!l con- ~onvJtlt co~fcten~ys & templ=1tion -o( the glory, excellency, and fweetneife of condemnat!:wull~rau- His blefl'ed kingdome . Ifoiah iri his firfl: Chapter from tem, qu.e mmedtofta- f d • . h fi fl: . h ' . 1.i11batur,& reaptra- the ~outh o Go doth 111 t e f place be ave Hu~- gebatur, 4bfobJta eft. felfe hke 'a Sonneof thunder, preffing upon thecon{b.. Ex quo ifiu1~onfpici- ences of thofe to whom Hee was fenr, many.,hainous · tH~, quo~ ailhldtlluf!1. finnes • honible ingratitude fear dull fat~· ng away forltgtmlt6 m E.uangello li .'· : God rt. • ' · 1 d l'k -. 'ft PrineipibU& Saeerdotu ma ty m s woru~lp,_ cru~ ty, ·an t 1 e • a ter- &{elli~rib,u: Publica~ ward verCx~.I7· H~mv1tes torepentance: And then ni & .meretrices pr.e.. . ' 111111 v11 in regnH111Cfl!orum. Mat. :.r. 31· At$ id qu~~v~od:erno die. Rot. In Io2n. c. 8. (s) P'D&antNr ad Chriflum itli peccl.tom,qui fenfu p"cati pre11~ntrt,, & pro pacificanda lonftientia lakO'i"ant. At que iflj (oli font, qui cum fru&lu ad Chriflum veniunt. Muk. in r r. c. M·at:·LaboranteJ & o11eratos intelligit chri~JU, quimortk tetern~t reatu con(cientias affliClM hfit~t >. & #a fui4 ~trliutrgenfur, r~t dtficiant: 'l'(,am_ . hie defeCl~ ~:os ad recipiendam ejtU ~·•tsam,uloneos midit;·carv. .;.lhc Scrmo~of •l{auzh, , foUowes~