Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

~ . lobs lhength, Sect. x. finmgtb from lehovah, whom Hee had made his portjon ; that thcreupoil his courage-was revived and rai- (cd to th:}t height, that He prefently purfl1ed his enemics with extraqrdinary valour and refolution, cut them off quite and recoveredall. And David faith the text, n'al greatly diflrej[~d: for the people fpak§ of flo-.: wing Him, btcau{e the Soule of all the people was grie- 'CI~d, every man for Hu fonnes, and for Rio daughters: /Jut David encouraged Bimfelfe in the L o R D Hu Go n, d-e. · What a bitter· Sea ofunmatched miferies,did breake out uron bldfed lob, whichwith afudden unexpected violence, bearing downe t.hat Hedge of proteCtion;· which God had fet'abom Him, (the reines purpofely let loofe by .divined ".fpenfati'on to Sathans.malice in the meaae ume) d~d: fear~.fully overfl.ow h11n to tbat beight and horf.Ql1t'f that fie fiands regifired. in Gods Bool<e as an unparalleld Ihfl:anC'e of extraordmary tlif- (k) NmMqr(ifquamin ferings and fo.rtowes, calamities and conflicts, to all u!ia Hifloria tot tam- ( k) b b lJMtgravibmttrumn~ f~cceeding . a.~d, no . fl:ory eing a le ~o aftordthe ftmn!adobrutr~[uij]e hke; The.. naturall death of one deare chtlde, finkes Jegitu~. '?.~'. . . fometirn;i~s- fo·heavy .to a:nans:heart, tbat ~ot ~~iefe he (1) Dn~mJ sdedJt:, 1:on gro;Wes mto a coinumptiOn:but all lobs chtldren,were {~;~~{c~~t~~t~7a~~z- fuddenly taken aw~yat once oy a violent fir'?ke : fome quantulumque ~irp~n· petty cro_{fe upon b1s outward ~ate,and cuttmg offbut dium.-Mrtltz egr- £art ofhts goods, caufes fomet1mes a covetous world- . tur:z iftu~tiam ad !t- Hog t~ cut { I) his owne throat : But lob was robd of queu cucur~~l'unt, r.e ~ al1 :· fo that it is a Proverbe to this day As poore IU Job : quaquam(czfiCCttantu • ffi · ' d .ri_ ' ' ' ·f mczrtJre/IIJ ferentcs. Many WIVeS are pa 10nate,an peevlm m ttrne,o pro- 'chryf;inMat. hom.,.iperity, whofe hearts notwithfianding ·WilL melt in (m)'cob~~&ait, St! u:xore compaffion,and kindnefle, over their husbands, in any tJbf~craffeperprefFm, kinde{)f mitery: ~ut (m)Jobswife,tho dearely intt·ea- .qz~a e~ eUa f4ce~cr;t.t~ ted by Her. moO: difire!Ied ·Husband even for their ld auteme11m tmmrr:e ·. .' . , . ·, - ' . comPfovit:Qftendit ig;i- chtldrens fake, tne mutuall common pl~dges of fwee-: ,tur idcontra naturam tell love : yet would not come neere H1m. My hreath L1'ffe,~IJTO~emfl~am ii'l {ilith He, u flran_[.e to my wift, though 1intreated for to{e~mum mgemilm tf;e chjldren~· fok! of mine owm bodj_, , <;hapter 19. '7· pr~dtdifft;Calu. ·Satan