Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Jnftrufliuns for a rlght CfJmforting Sed:. I, - 111o. • ft f world were but murta/1. ~. Let adverfity flem,e what .it ~. T 1•n t1me pa o h · J· ' h t. h .r:. our lifei1Jalt. 'Will; to app] men, reae~uto':'v6 , w o ma'\~ t em;; elves If it be fo. That there merry with other mens miform ; and to thofo under the i~ no Jifferenceofth~ crojfo.grievom ; yet thu u tr~e, That (a~ allthat u paft, tlffie_pall' m rcfpe to the 'Very inftant, the portions rema1nmg are equal! to of pamcs and pka· . • h h ,. d · furcs~ be~weenc tharetther. l!or bee zt, t at-u:e ave,tve many·yeare.s, and fellow, which ha1h(accordmg toSo!omon) trrthemall, wehavere;oyced; wallowed all his life or bee it, that wee have meafured the .fame le~r;;th •f time, ~?ng, in wor~d!y de- and therein have evermore farrowed: Jet lookf:ng, back.! ~gdhtsb; and Hlm, wr.heodfirom our prefent heinu, \\'ee fonde bofhthe one andthe o111a 1 eene exerc1u • J' . .!>d h . with variety of affii- tker, to wst, the JO) an t ewoe fayledout of fight; and ~ions, and irkefome death, wh;ch doth purfoe Ul, andhold m in chafe, from· ilfre~i~gs ~ wh1t a our infancy, hath g·athered it. * Whatfoever of our age> pr?~1 g10us,. ma 1 ~dfe i; paj} death holds it. So a& whofoever he bee, to whom 1s lt ro prerer t IC 1Cn• ' . h h ,_ r. d h · · litali eafc of a vainc ProJPeruy at fltene a Jervant,. an t eTeme a fr~end: life, before die fwce- let him but takf the account of hU memory, (for. wee have teft paine of a mort~- no other k,eeper of ourpleafurespafl) and truely ex ~~~mine, fied murfc ? Efpecl- what it hath reforved, either of beauty and youth , or aiiy fith very 01ordyfi de~" h h · · h h r:. d h · · h I , nd · end ore-11one tlfT ts; w at et at 1 ave 1 , t at Jt m1u t; t lC one c s.w .:. . ~ , . .!> Jefre paines :. and the lafl, of hu dc11rejf affechon~, or of what everelfo, the otberincndlelle _plea jovial! Spring-time gave hu thoughtuontentment,_ the'! fures? A:nd alfomt~e unvaluable;. andhe ./hallftnae, that all the art,.wh;chhu meanc'l'htJmeh, rhhat 15 etderyearu have, can dra-rJ~ no other vanour out ot:' there true; attoteayre. . . . r . _'J :J" _ which compa,fieth ad. dijfo!utzo,;~, then h~VI/7;'7, ficr,et, and fad JighJ. f!ec· /hall ~erfity. be venobfcure;finde nothtng rematmng, but thofi [orrowe1, 'Whechgrow ~ therein wecbette_r up after our·fa.ft-JPringing youth'; overtak.§ it, 'Whm it u di{&enu ~o~, th:m m at ·a ftand ;. and ov.ertop it utter(y, 'When it begins to wi-- tbat Jhmmg ltght , 1_ _ • fl h t ~- b ~ fi · ,.__ · if/ b . b' · t'· 1,. t~Jer: ;n o mut· M too mu. ac e r• trKver'IJ ztt ant ,.. zc znvtrene 11 t:Wr .. • D , -' l'l g/QI'Y,througb which, time, and jt-om our now bet~g ; · the pqore, difeafed, and: f~r tBe G!~artnejfo t~er- captive creature, · hath M ltttb: [enfe· of all hu former of ~~ere u no vamly, mifedu and painCJ _; tU hee., that i& nwft 6/eff-in common . ;;£~~ ~captt~ our opinion,. hath oj .hu forepl!l.fJ!d· p!c~r~s, *and:d:lights. '~-/i}g.rcqnnl'.etatwutro For u caft bthmde 1#, u ;ufl 1tothm&- 3-·· ~ft, f11'0rs-trnet. · . . '~<§) uu i!li"" vo!rtpt.a~fi ulttu rfl ~-1ui fl a tim Jtt ~cft,mtrit-,pidebi~ur tibi non fuifte?Age j<1m,trii• (ac"Fu vit.e-tllte templ/;j animo ret olve. NMrJe '!lidebttur t1bi umbt·a quedam p1if[e ,qrtod tranfijt, & infiar (om!J.if tentlis-ince;·tnm e1Je Olfme quod v:idetrtr?. Hllli idem & decr.epitiu _(enex {entire; CNi..con.vt.nit /Jjcerc &rtm i't!ljiiJita,Vies p;e1 fjcfltumira dcc!tnfl.vmmt ,& ego fie ut jf6num ttrui. · · 3. To