Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

L s~ - lnjlrullions for ar.ight ·comforting Sect x. . we~ri~d_tl?ith pffafore :r . that )OH t·annot rifo._t~m~- enough t{J dre.Jfe your heads, and doe a!! pur tric~u againft · dinner-: To wafo your .hodie.r with muJ'f<t, anddaVRbe}Our fllces with vermilion and chalk!: To mak! ready your · p/eaJa.nt baits, to nlfn! eyes, and th~ir fimle.r. To~. whf(l'ijh Ie~brls t,fm1k!_ you now, you ~~re me'!t fur men ? Nit] come hu.t:hlqng downe to the aogges. Jf npt fudden!y fo~ yet :difPatcb. and put 'off your ~auh-, eare-rin~s, and r.ound tyres:_your chaines, bracelets, and mu.fflers: your, wimples., and crijpingpinnes : _rou-r ho~dJ, ,vai!s and chanJ.eable~ [r;e~es. · : your glaJ{es, fine Linnen, with afl your Munrltu muliehru•. Jfa. 3. eAnd pilt rm ftink$,. in ftead. of [we7t fmell: haidnej{e in flead of welt-Jet h~tire : hur- ~ing ~nfle~td of heauty:.W(}rmes foal/ mak§ their?~efts in ).OH¥' !JreAjh: med foall out thofe_ wanton 'P(tndowes,' ancfmej{ntgers of l!'fl·.. Yea.rottenn,4fe, and fl~nr:h'.i flim~ .and filth fl;111l ll{cmd, ~m(/it dowriC·_in the 1/ery.Throne. cf lmwty: and fhall dwell betwee-ne Jour eye:..browel. All this is vqy woefull, and .yer t~ere is a thoufand tjmes worfe. Befides all this, Thou, th~t nowlayes' about thee-fvr the World and wealth ; fqr tranfitory pelfe and rotten pleaftires; that lies foilking in lmq.iry' and pride, vanity, and all kind~ of' voluptucufneffe ; Ihalt moll certait~ly, very !hortly, lyetiponthybed of death,' like a wilde 'Bull in a net, full of the fury of the Lord; either fe.aling thee up finally in the defpe-· rate fenfeldleneffe of -thii1e owne dead heart, with the' spirit of £lumber, fur everla!Hng vengeance, ·oven at the doore.;or elf: exemplarily enraging_die guilty con~ .,· 1 . 1 - ( 0 ... . ,.- 1 ) fcience upoo that thy laft bed.. with hellith horrour, eay . a1na.1 y bee. h d F * d· . 1 ' · ' · · a. F1dl, be eau le, forr.- ven rorc ,an • . or or 1nar1 y, ~ne '.llord notatimes fomc notorioUli , ' . :., ·, -. , .. . . •.. Ones; and yet without all rruercmorfe, mav r~pref~nt~ to rhe eye ofunjudicious By-flan· ' dcr~, whereby they afe ry,an,v rimes featcful 'yhardened, a norable1J1ew of dying well. In.:· tr.y time, .fayth the French Author of Effaies, Three of the mafl execrable pa[lms that ever l • ~;uw in al1abM1,j'!ation oflifo, and the mofl iaffl7/JINU, have bi.1 feen to dye very. &l.derly, ani .qn·et!y, &:'· ~.1 hav~ :~lfo obferved myfelfe tome ot h1glm pl~ce not?riouO.y w_icked.wlll by. the1rcal'~13:ge m th~Ir la!l.ncknes~hne fuggdleci conceiu, dpecia}}Y ~o, thofe who were w1li lm£ to b~:b3rdnecl by thetr deull'!,that they made a go~dend,as they fay,whereolll they haa . ~~