Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

22 t.í1 Diforari of true happinefè. !tic , that a man may have force dire6'cions toexamine his foule and confcience in thisrefpea. r Firi},the fountaine and originali ofrighteoufneffeoffaith, is the fanaifyingSpirit ofGod:Ical it the fanaifying Spirit becaufe the Spirit ofGod may by a generali influence con- curreto the illumination of the underfanding with know- ledge, and civili reformation ofthe will even in the unrege- nerate : but thefanaifying Spirit by the miraculous opera- tiveoffaving grace, doth purgeacdmortifie the inmoff affe- Elions,plant jufiifying faith in the heart,renueal the powers ofthe foule,& reinveftthe (in fame good meafure)with the bletfed image of holinefie and integritiewhich they loft in madam. But theeaufe and fountains of righteoufneffe ofci- vill honeflie, may begoodneffeofconftitution, andingenu- oufnefíe; whereby amanmay not be fo apt and inclinable to notorious finnes,or want oftryalsand provocations,or feare oflawes and temporali punifhments, or delire ofreputation and riling, or a vaine hope to flay Gods judgements forin- ward corruptions by civili outwardneffe, orat bell, the re- firaining SpiritofGod : by whichhe doth onely repreffe the furies andoutragesofthe wicked, and reducethem to force moderation of honelly, for the quiet of his Ele&, and con- fervation ofKingdomes. Forif God did not put his hooke into thenoftrilsof prophane men, and his bridle into their lippes,every oneofthem (fideevery manhath inhis corrupt nature the feeds ofall finnes that ever have, are, or maybee committed) I fay every one of themmight become a cruel! Senacberib, rayling Shemei, a traiterous Was, abloudy Bon- ner, an hellifhFauks,fierceWoolves andLyons againft the filly and innocent Lambes of Chrifis fold. s Secondly, righteoufneffe of civil! honefly, in outward aiions, may make acolourable pretence of piety and up- rightnes;but indeed hath many fecret relations topleafures, to friends,to profits,topreferments,to revengement,topafli- ons,partialitiesandevents, and fuch like by refpehs; not ea- 1 lydifcerneable, butby himwhofeeies are tenne thoufand times brighter then the Sunne. But righteoufnefle offaith hath