Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

t4 Difrourfè oftrae .11appinejfè. 23 bath in all a&ions,for the twine fcope and principali end,th& glory and honour of God : and if infirmity; doe fometimes chitaine themwith Tome mixture and adherenceof refoeas, (for who can fay, Myheart is cleane even the pureft actions are mixt with fonie fpice ofcorruptions ; ) it workes in the. faithful! foule much geiefe, forrow, ftriving againft, repen- tance and humiliation,- Thirdly, righteoufneffeoffaith, doth labour watchfully, 3 confcionably in that particular calling,wheree in Gods providence bath placed a man, and in all theparts; and fpeciall duties ofgodlineffe and obedience.But civili ho-: neftie wanders in the generalities of .religion ; and many times in impertinent, unfetled and unlimited courfes. Fourthly, righteoufneffeoffaithdoth firivewith greatefi earn eitnefte and contention of fpirit for fpirituatl comfort, and agood confcience beforeGod. But civill honeflie is ful- ly and finally fatisfied with credit and plaufiblenes amengil men. Fiftly, civil! honeflie makes nogreat confcience of fmal- 1er hunes; as lying, lefFer oathes, gaming, prophanejetting, idlenefle , paftime on the Sabbath day, and the like,. But righteoufnefre offaith having a fenfible feeling of the heavy waight offinne,_from thofe anguifhes which theconfcience felt before the effulion offaith ; and being mill flung with a check and fmare for all kindof trantgreflions , cloth feafo4 nably and proportionably hate-and make refifianee to all knowne finnes. Sixtly, civil! honeftie clothnot ufe to make oppofition a. gainfi the linnes of the time , but is evenwilling to be cart ried with the Ili-came ; onely upon more faire and probable tearmes, then notorious finfulnef'E ; and therefore,will got and encourage a man in godly courfes, and goodcaufes, un- till he meet with, either a wound to his flare, -a difgrace to his perfon, a diflurbance tohis pleafures, an imputation to his for wardnefle, a flop tohis preferments, loffe ofEyelids; imminencie of danger , or any, futh croffe and difácitii- ragement ;and then it teacheth to flee hacke,, isaman ready 4 5 6