Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

c Difèourfe of true happinefse. or tumbles himfelfamid his rich treafuresand heaps ofgold: butwhen he awaketh, behold, he is faint, his foule longed], and heembraced] nothing butemptinefle and aire; yea, and befides,thevery imaginary fruitionof his fuppofèd happines, when hee is awaked, encreafeth his languifhing, and dou- bles the fenfe of his necefhities. Even fo the formali hypo- crite in this life dreames much of comfort tocome, makes fore ofheaven, thinks himfelfthe only man,his adppemc 4volt,bt, as theApoiile calles it,hisforme ofGodlin(ff `e in his conceit, is the onely true Bate offalvation; whattoeveris {hort of him, is prophanenefie; whatfoeveris above him,is precifenes. But when upon his deaths-bed hee awaketh, and bathhis confci- ence illightened, and hisparticular fins revealedunto him,in head ofcatching a Crowne of glory, which he hash vainely poffeft in hishopefull fecuritie,he grafpeth nothing but feare and amazement,angui{h and forrow. Yea, andnow his for- mer falfe perfwafion ofhis happy hateenlarged) the gulfe of his defpaire, andmakes him more Ienfible ofhisprefent and unexpeEted miferies. Give me leave, I befeechyou, to enlarge thispoint and to acquaint youwith fome reafons of this perfwafion. Fora falfeperfwafion ofalready being in the hate of grace, is a barre that keepes thoufands from the hate ofgrace indeed. Thegood fpirit of God (youknow) Bothperfwade every regenerateman by a fweet & filent inlpiration,out ofa con- lideration ofan univerfal change and fànétification,and pre- fent linceritie in all the powers and parts of his foule and ho- dy,and calling,that he is molt certainly in the hate ofgrace, and heire ofheaven. Whence fpring perpetually whole Ri- vers of unfpeakeable comfort, that molt then refrefh his foule, when he is neereft tobee overwhelmed of the maine Oceanofthe worlds bitterneflèand preffures, In a lying refemblance to thisfacred worke of the holy Gboll in thehearts ofGods children,Satan,left hee beewan- ting to his, puts on theglory of an Angel oflight; and inG- nuateth into the imagination ofthe formali hypocrite force fia{hes of comfort and conceits that bee is in flare ofgrace, and