Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

86 9 Li1 Difcorsrfe of true h4ppine . waierINSINIIMMINIO Conic, the Word and Sacraments; fo that thou haddeft ra- ther part with anyworldlygood, then not injoy the incom- parable benefit of a confcionable and conffant Minifferie ? Arethy thoughts, ofwhich heretofore thou haft made no great.confcience, butletten them wander up and downe at randome,wickedly,idlely,and wantonly; are they now,I fay, bounded within afacred compaffe, and fpent upon holy things, and the necefliry aff ires of thy honeft and lawful' calling.? Is thyunderftanding informed, and acquainted with themyflery offalvation, which the world, and thewifemen thereof; account nothing but madnetfe and folly? Is thy memory, which bath heretofore beene ftuffxd with trafh andtoyes, vanities and follies, now capable and greedy of divine knowledge? Are thy words, whichheretoforehave beene full ofprophaneneflè and worldlineffe, now direFted to glorifieGod,and togive grace unto the hearers? Nay,yet further betides this inward renovation of the faculties ofthy foule; hath the power of grace fanctffiedall thy outward actions?Doff thou now order On everyparticular, all thebu- fineffes ofthyvocation religioufly, confcionably, and by di- rection out oftheWord ofGod ? Art thou inwardly 2W:ded and faithfull in the perform?nce ofreligious duties ? as in hearing theWord of God, in fanéfifying the Sabbath, in Prayer,and therefl? Doll thounowhmre theWord of God, not onely ofcourfeand cufiome, but of zeale and confcience toreforme thy felfe by ir,and to live after it ? Doe not the weeke-dayes duties and' worldly cares, drowne thymiedeon the Sabbath.; but that thou doll the wholeday entirely, free- ly, and cheerefully attend the woríhip ofGod ? Doll thoa exercife daily with fruite and fvelin ;, Prayer, that precious comfort ofthe faithful! Chriflians'? 'Thou beïng converted, doff themlabour the converlion of others, efpecially ofthole whichare committed anyway to thycharge, and for whom thou mull give a more ffriet account ; as if thou be a maffer of a family, doff thou pray with them, and initrut them in the doctrine offalvation, and waies of godlineffe ? Doll thou now notonely íficke at, and forbeare great and grolle hones ? but