Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

L,g Drfcourfe of true happittè e.. but doff thou evenbate the garment(potted ofthe Beth, and, allappearance ofevill ? Doth the tendernes ofthy confeience checke thee for the leaft finncs, and snake thee' fearefull to offend, thòugh it be but in a wandring cogitation ? Af- ter-every fall into infirmities, art thou care ùll to renew thy repentance, and learne wifdome and watchfullneffe to avoid them afterwards ? Dolt thou feeie thy felfe profit, grow, and encreafe in thefe fruits and effee s.of grace ? And haft thou filch a gracious tageof the gloryofGod,, and of e- tertian life, that thouart evenwilling and defirous to meet thySavior in the clouds not fo much to be rid out of themiferies of this life, as to befreed from the heavy bur- denof(inne, whichhangs on foTaft, and to enjoy his pre- fence in theheavens for ever ? Ina word, as thy foule gives life, fpirit andmotion to thy whole body, and every part therof ; doth the Spirit of God even foinfjiire thy foule and body, andall thy áftionswith the lifeofgrace ? Why then, thouhaft pail the perfections of the formall hypocrite, and art poffeft ofthe Rate oftruebleffedneff: ; thouart thenhap- py that ever thouwaft borne ; thy way iscertainly the way oflife : And I can- affure thee, and I dare boldly pronounce it, that thouartalready utterly out of the reachof all' the powersofhell: Satan is chained up, for ever doing thee any deadly hurt : All thecreatures are reconciledunto thee, and at league with thee T hou haft filled theAngelswith joy at thy converfion, they will for ever guard thee :. Thou fhalt never morebe affraid for anyevil! tidings. Though the,earth be mooved,and though themountaines fall,into the mildeft . of theSea, thy heart (hall abide fIrong, unfhaken, and com- fortable:When thou falleft eowneupon thybed of lickneffe, thou fhalt find nomortal]. poyfon in thy, flefh ; no ftiog, in death;' no darkneffe in the grave; no amazement at that great and fearfidi Day For all themerits and fufeiings of Chrift are thine; all the comforts of Gods Children are thine ; All the bleffings inthe Bookeof God are thine; all the joyes ofheaven are thine evenallthings are thine, and thouart Chrifts,andChrift isGods.. Only [land fait in the Faith