Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

i ©o v1 <i « Gòurfe oftrae happmef. awromomommow mortality,by reproaches, flanders,exprobrationof his former life : by odious. ,names ofHypocrite, Singulartf, Puritarre, a fellow of irregular confcience and furring humour, of a fac`hious and contradidiousf frit, and f tch like. But if lee alfopafle thefepikes, andtheftiharpe fwords (for fo David calles fpightfull tongues,) out ofa confiderationofthat truth 2 Tim,;. in Ps#d: everyone that Willlivegodly inChrift fall fief- Ia., fer perfeution ; and that in the calme( timeofthe Church : among(( many.other, he !hall be Threat the leaf to be conti- nually' fcourged and vest with fini ?ofton'ues : for every faithfull Chriftian knowes by good experience, that ever now and then,as he íhá11 ftirre in a good caul, 'land against the corruptionsoftheplace where he lives, with confeience and faithfullnefe difcharge his calling, be (hall prefently have the fpirit ofprophaneleífè to Hie inhis face, withbrutifh and implacable malice and infolencie : but yet,I fay, ifhe beable withhis Lord and Saviour to endure this freaking again{t of finners; and toefteemc it, as it is indeed, his crowneand I comfort ; why thenSatan caps about another way; and he labours fometimes to fatten upon him force unwarrantable opinions, thereby fcandaloufly and unneceffarily to difquiet him,todefraudhimofanentirefúition of the comforts of ; holineffe, and to binder and interrupt him in the profcuti-' on,of hisglorious fervice of God: Sometimes to putE him up with a felfe-conceit ofhisowneexcellency, feeing him- felfe advanced as farre above the common conditionofmen, and the richeft and happieft worldling; as heaven above earth,light above darkeneffe, endleffe happineffe above eter -_ nail mif.rry that fo, astheApothecaries ointment by dead file, his good actions fpirituall ;races, may receive ftaine and infection byprivy pride : of the nature and remedies whereofI have before difcourlèd. Thefe and many othersbe the tentationsofababe in Chrift, and fitted to the infancieof regeneration. But ifSatan meetewith a.ftrong man in Chrift,he tempts him by thofe twomethods I toldyou ofbefore; fornetirnes bywaftinghis zeale, fometimes by wéakning his faith, and a thoufaitd