Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

I 12 t,rt .vifrourfe oftrue happine e. ftraint from Non-refdencie, that bloody gangrene, that t (wigh`rem ofe ngreedinefl» eates and devotres thepre.. C This thort explication of the nature of confcience thus premiíed, you may eatiily conceive with mee thus rrurch; that Accordingly as the prat}kali underftanding of a man is furnifhedwith principles and rules for guiding his alions, according to the natureof them, and .foveraignty they hold in the confcience, fuch and thereafter commonly is hislife and anions. I except the groffe hypocrite ; for he finneth againft the knowledgeofhis heart, and light ofhis confcience : There- fore the foundof feare is already in his cares ; and in his profperity the deítroyer fhall come upon him. He belce- veth not to returneout ofdarkeneff., for he f eth the fword before him. AffiiStion. and anguith thaIl make him afraid : They (hall prevaile againft him, as a king ready to thebatteil. God (hall run upon him, even upon his necke ; and againft the moft thicke part of his fhield : becaufe he hath covéred> his fäce with falfehood, and inwrapped himfelfein acloudof hypocritìe. The point then muff be exemplified in other forts of men: Fir($,. the notorious inner (by reafon of his delightfull' converfingwith the wicked, and cuftome in the workesof darkencflé) dothobfcare, linother, and in Come nreafureex- tingtuith in his ,confcience, not onely the light oflipernatu- rail truth, but ofilature tro Therefore he runnès headlong OA/id-lout reffraintorbridle) into defrIerate. illanies and out- ragionsrebellions. Hedrawes infnne with cart,-ropes, and worketh allmanner of uncleonne re with greedinelf : the s houndWith,has finnes, andcoveredWith inie/uities, a afteldil hedged in.Wi¢h bufes, and thepath thxreofcovered Wit, thernef, Whereby-no wooMay frayed. It. is/Ant.up, and is appointed tobe deliveredbyfire. Secondly, the Papift he entertaines and 'treafiires up, for hisi