Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

4 e He was but little above 4o yeares old whe he died. 9. 13ís converfion. *He was for his eloquence calledGolden mouthed An- derron when he was but a Seholler.. The Life andDeath of) bee changedhisopinionofMr. Perkins, and thought him as learned and godly a Divineas our'Churchhath formanyyeares enjoyed in foe young a man : But I pro- ceed. Whenhee was ofBrafen-NofeColledge,he had familiar acquaintance withone Mr. An- dertonhis Countrey-man,and fometime his Schoole fellow, a verygoodScholler, buta firongPapif 'r, and nowa Popifh Priefl, and oneofthe learnedefl amongi them. 'This manwell knowingthe goodpares that were inMr. Bolton,andperceiving thathee wasin fome outwardWants, tooke this advantage, and ufedmany argumentstoperfvwade him tobe reconciledto the Church of Romeand togoover withhim to theEnglifh Semina- ry,telling him hee fhould be furnifhed with allnecefl'aries,and fhould havegoldenough (oneofthe be{l arguments toallurean un- fiable mindeto Popery) Mr. Bolton being at thattime poore in minds andPurfe , ac -. cepted ofthemotion, and a day , and place was appointed in Lanca(hìre, where they fhould meet , and from thence take fhip- ping: