Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

4 c ít Difcour('eoftrue happineffe. ell confultations , and malicious defignements. In aword, whole hearthateth, and abominateth all venome ofinward pollution, that hath either fountaine or feat inany power of the foule. Thatfiandeth not in the wayof finner.c : That is, thatbrea- keth notinto open prophaneneffe; that itnitatethnot their a&ions, andconverfation. Whofe mouth is not full ofbitter- nefle andlying; whofe lippesarenot infe6ed with the poy- fonof Afpes; whofehandsare not full of bribes and falfe- hood ; whofe feete are not fwift to run after mifchiefe, vani- tie, and lewd companions. That fitteth not in the feat of thefcornefrall. That is, that, confinethnot himfelfe to the chaire of iniquitie; that con- firmeth not himfelfe in his malice and hardneffeof heart; that Both not make a makeof finne, and jeff with the fa- credWordof God; that Both not dire& the poyfonous ar- rowesofa fpitefull tongue, even at theapple of Gods owne eye, his deareff Saints and fervants. That, with the fcorner, Bothnot dare the higheif majeftie of the Almighty, to whet his glittering fword,and take hold on judgement; to put on his habergeon ofrighteoufneffe, and the garments ofvenge- ance for clothing : fayingas it is Ifa. 5. 19. Let him make freed: let himhaftenhuworke, that wee mayfee it and let the counfeliofthe holy one ofIfrael draw neere, and come, that wee may know it. Thus far his forbearanceof finfull a6ions. Nowfollower his praaice in a&cions of Piety. But hrsdelight is in the Lawof theLord: that is, the whole doarine divinely infpired,is thevery joy ofhis heart,andde- light of his foule. It is fweter untohim thenbony, and the hony combe.It is more preciousunto him thengold,yea the much fine gold. It is more worth untohim then heavenand earth,And when the heart is once enkindled with love,there the imagination imbraceth with dearer apprehenfion; the thoughtsare impatient of any other obje&f;'all the powers of the fouleare united in a ffrong endevour of the attaine- ment. The whole mind muff needs bee poffeft with medita- tion,