Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.B65 A2 1641

6 ail Difcourfe of true bappineffe. the joy of the whole earth. Hee gave flyer as Pones, and gave Cedars as the wilde fig-trees, that grow abundantly in the plaine. Hebuilt himhoufes, and planted Vineyards. He provided him men-fingers, and women-singers ; and the de- lights of the fonnesof men. Whatfoeverhis eyes defired,hee with-held it not from them , and with drew not his heart from any joy. For wifedome and underaanding, hee had a large heart, even as the fand that is on the lea shore. In fPe- culativeknowledge, hee excelled the wifedome of all the childrenof the Eau; and all the wifedome of Egypt. Hee was able to difcourfe from the Cedar tree that is in Leba- non, evenunto the Hyfope that fpringeth out of the wall. In wifedome of policy and governement, there was none like unto himbeforehim, neither after him fhalf arife the like unto him. So that Salomon was the moll fi: and abfo- lute man that ever lived, both for ability in underi anding, abundance inpoffeflion, and desire in fèarchiiig to takeán exadl meafure , and the utrnofl extent of the worth and fufficiency of all creatures : and to raife from them thebell contentments they could pofliblÿaffoord. Yet when he had wearied ininfelfe ií: the variety of pallages of this life : and in the Sooke ofEcclefiafles,becomes a publike penitentiarie to the whole Church , and to all poilerity;'feehis judge- ment : he utterlydifavowes and difclaimes them all, as mi- ferablecomforters, as meere fhadowes and dreames ; where- in there is no more matter of found comfort, then there is lightin the greateff darkenelie, or tafle in the white ofan Ecclef. a, z. egge. Hee fayes oflaughter, Thouart mad; and ofjoy, What is this that thou doeft ? And whereas wifedome and know- ledge, are the moll incomparable treafures this tranfitory Ecd.r t8 worldhath ; he faith, that in themultitude ofwifedome is much griefe : andhee that inéreafeth kZxowledge , iecreafeth forroiv. And of thefe, and all other things under the Sunne; yea, and ifto the glory of all created natures, werean additionoften thoufand excellencies', thatnever man faw or enjoyed ; hee had pronounced of them all , in refpe& of true hap- J pinef e, and divided from the grace and feare ofGod, and a fanhifed