Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

1709. MR THOMAS BOSTON. W5 have preached, fo as that he woùld. -not preach ; and being broke with the entreaties of fome with whom I had formerly had good daysi:I yielded, and preached the fermon I defìgned for Saturday, on the Monday. The text was Pfàt. ciii. 5. The laft claufe of it I preached oil the Lord's day at night, and the firft on Mon- day ; and the Lord . was withme. The Lord fo tranfpofed thefe fermons in his providence ; and it was afterwards told me, that if I had not delivered itafter the other, many would not have known where to have fattened their feet. Likewife at Morbattle, June 19. 1709, being invited to preach on Saturday and Sabliath afternoon, I, went thither on Friday's night, and on the Saturdaywas preparing to preach, till about a quarter or half an hour before the fermons began ; at which time Mr D. having come, I overheard him faying to Mr Simfon, that he would not preach twice dntefs.he preached thatday. Finding they were in confufìon, i offered to quit my diet ; and it was ac- cepted. On the Sabbath afternoon J went home before all the tables were - ferved, and prepared my fermon ; but Mr H. would needs have that diet. It was grievous to me ; but having no confidence to look for the Lord's affiftance if I thould be per- emptory that I would preach, I yielded : and fo all I did for my riding two and twenty or four and twenty miles, was to preach on the Sabbath morning, a diet that in my opinion might be fpared, and which I rnyfi if nie not. So Mr II. who preached on Saturday, preached on the Sabbath afternoon, and Mr D. and C.. on the Monday: Mr Simfön urged me to be a third, but by no means would I yield. This was very heavy, while comparing, it with what I met with at Sirnprin : it feemed to me that the Lord was refuting my fervice there, where fometimes I had been by his grace ufeful; and I was unwilling to come- much abroad that way thereafter, finding what temptations I met with. However, I found the little-I was called to do was not altogether ufelefs. So this at Pen pont was the-third time ; and though I had efcaped twice, God would not let me go a third time with it. 3. I have found fence the convibiion was fet in on me on Satur- day., that if I were in inch circumttances again, I would yield my fervice to the Lord, that he might do with it what he pleafed. And although this may be thought a fmall thing by filch as look on it at a diftance ; yet confidering it was a fault about God's worfhip, and that the third of that nature within a fhort time, the conclufion mutt be made as faid is. It is true, I was ready to have preached on Saturday afternoon, yet the old prophet fet me off it, that I might be juftly puni(hed, becaufe I would not when God would. As for that more than ordinary countenance from the Lord, though I dare not,- before aholy God, purge my- feifaltogether of Iifting up, yet I can remember ho notable up- lifting that I had on the back of it. It may be I had had it if r had not got that ballaft, efpecially. when I found others had