Boston - BX9225 B68 A1 1805

169g. MR THOMAS BOSTON. 63 night, after the happy afternoon's work and entertainment men- tioned above, I waskept in aheavenly frame, with love to Çhrift, and admiration of his goodnefs, loving the very place where he manifefted himfelf. And on the morrow having infifted on the *equefts I had at the table, I found afterwards the Lord had made my foul fatisfied, as to what way he might difpofe of me, efpecially with refpeót to Simprin. Being refolved to go from Stenton as above faid; on that Mon- day's afternoon, Mr Stark having given me a compliment of two dollars, and the ufe of his horfe for my journey, I went to Edin- burgh : and being engaged to return on the Saturday, and in the morning fought of the Lord a text for the following Sabbath, I did by theway think on, and and get forcie infight into Pfal. cxix. 32. " I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou 'halt " enlarge my heart." On Tuefday I went to Barhill ; and on Wednefday to Clackmannanfhire, where I met with one of my correfpondents, who told me, that the elders of Dollar, whom he had difcharged to come near me, were wreftling as eagerly as ever to accomplifh their defign, and were waiting the return ofa letter toArgyle. I "hewed him my fituation, and committed to one to 'hew the prefbytery of Stirling, that I looked on myfelf as abfolved from my promité to them. On the Thurfday I went back to Barhill, on the morrow after toEdinburgh, and returned to Stenton on Saturday about four o'clock. Mr Stark had come back from fóme intended journey, but would take no part of the. Sabbath's work fo after prayer, being cleared and fatisfied as to the text aforefaid, I ftudied my fermons with eafe in the fpace of . little more than three hours ; the Lord laying things to my hand, and that with enlargement of heart. So Rill day and way were alike long ; and I had much of the Lord's help in the whole Sabbath's work. On the morrow, Mr Stark invited me to go next day to their presbytery of Dunbar, on defign I might be appointed to preach at Innerwick a day, then vacant. I had fome difficulty about it, in refpe& of my fituation ; but endeavoured to confult God in it once and again ; and was cleared, that my Rayinganother week in Lothian, would be more ufeful than going home ; but referred the full determination of the point. aforefaid till the morrow. Which day proved rainy ; and Mr Stark went off, without moving .again my going along : this I took in ill part, not knowing the kind defign of Providence there; There Mr Stark having moved for my preaching at Innerwick, it was oppdfed, particularly by Mr John,Porreft, an old man,- and rejeáled, on pretence, they had not feen my licence. Some time after, vifiting the Lady Prefrnennan, the took occafion to clear herfeif of her having taken any offence at my afternoon-fermon without on the communion- day, injurioufly imputed to her ; but declared, that at the Mon- day's dinner the did fay to Mr Forreft, the thought the covenant He