Boston - BT155 B677 1755

SatisfalUon for Sin. .. 97 from the n~ture of the dying party, as he is a finful creature, or fubjetl: of inherent fin; fuch as, the ex– tinCtion of the faving relation 'twixt God and the foul, the divefiing it ofGod's image, ~nd the corruptioi1 and. . difiolution of the ~ody~ . . , · · Now the effentials of that death we fhould have fuf– fered, in virtue of the penalty of the broken cqvenant pf -works, were laid, as a pattof the condition of the covenant ofgrace,, ori Jefus Chrifi, to be fuffered by him for. us. For he \vas made a curft for us, Gal . iii. I3· and 'gave him_felf for us ai1 .offering and a fa· crifice to God, for a fweet-fmelling favour,' Eph ~ v . 2. that is, a facrifice equalling the infinite. offenc~ a:– rifing f~oni our fin; whence he is faid, By' one' offering to have perfetled for ever them t,hat. arefon~1ified~ Heb. x. 14. But the accidenta:Js of that death, were n~ \part of the condition of the covenant laid on him : not could they at all have place in him; firice he was nei• ~her a fubjecr of inherent fin, nor yet a mere creature. Neverthelefs, ~t was flill the fame, death that we fhould, have fuffered ; forafmuch as the effentials were th<t fame. Thus the bodies of the faints which are now \ weak and corruptible, fhall, at the refurreel:ion, b(} powerful and incorrup'tible, yet ,frill, the·f.1me eodies; fince thefe qualitie? are but accidental to a human bo• dy. So in the cafe cif clearing the qebt, tho' the_bor.. rower could not pay it, but in a great quantity of cop.. per-money, and that advanced by little and little for . a long time; \vhich Withal would ruin him: yet, ifhis rich cautione'r lhould ' pay all at once, in a little g<?ld ; 'tis evident, it would be the payment of the fame debt; providing only, that it fully equalled the furn borrow– ed. Nay, confining our view t<:> death itfelf, which is the general proper ;lotion of the thing in qudlion; Jet us put the cafe, that two men, _equally guilty' of the fame crime, are. laid under one and the fame fen• tence of death ; and it is ·execu~e on them both : but the one-is by a mitadc raifed to life again, the other · · G 2 . · l~s