Boston - BT155 B677 1755

Satisfalli~n for Sin." tJ9 T-he curfe is the fentence .of the broken law, paft ~pon a perfon, binding hi.m. ove.r to th~ reyenging wrath of God, to the fu11 fattsfacb.on of JU!hce: fo. Jhat awful and tremendous myfiery lies here, Chriil: :r;nu!t ~and ,before the tribunal of the holy law, as a .finner ; anfwerab]e for all the fins ofall-the elecr, by virtue of his bond offuretHhip regifrrate in the records of heaven: and fentence m.ufi: pals upon ~im, adjudg– ing and binding him o~er, ,to fuffer all that revenging ·wrath, which thefe fins deferved. The Lamb of God faid; ·Lo, I come: fo it w~s done, he was made a cur/i! for us. In token hereof, bejng conveened before th~ Jewi.fh ' Sanhedrim, he was judged a blafphemer, and . worthy of death; and compearing before Pi/ate the Roman governor, he was py him fentenced to qie, and that upon the crofs. .Behold the fiupendious re(blt of this awful tranfacH~ on, the transferring of the curfe upon Chrifr the fe- · cond Atlam. 1. Hereby he was made thefepdrated One ofthe elect fociety, fepar'!.ted unto evil, _as the imm~~ .diate effeB: of the curfe is defcribed, ·Deut. xxi x . 21 . He wa~ made the devoted head, devoted ,to pay for all the .fefi. He was fet up as the ~ark, againfi which . . alf the arrows ofrev.enging wtai:h fhould beain}ed. He was appointed to be the common receptacle of all the floods of vengeance, iifujng from incenfed jufiice.l 1 towards the whole body of the eleB:, to fwallow thetn up: here the current ofall th~fe was turned, that they fbould together flow in upon him, hence he ~ries, Pfal. lxix. 2. 'I am come into deep waters, where the fioods overflow me.' 2 . Hereby he became the ~·e£1ing- place ofrevengingjufiice, \vhere it was to prey,. till it fhou]d be fatisficd to the ~11, ,Jfa.liii. 10. 'Thou ihalt make his foul an offering for fin.' In token hereof. whe_n the officers came to apprehend him, he, faid, 'If ye feek me let thefe go· their way.' Jufiice leaves the c_ha fe of the rebel-multitude, feeks hirn, and hinl only; imce he was maqe a curfe for them:. Thus was he de· G ~ . fig~"d