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6 1 A View of the., Jelves ; unlefs another take the burden upon him for them, there's no ·remedy in the cafe: they cannot choofe fuch an one for themfelves ; I'll make a choice (or them, and make the covenant with my_chofen. (2.) On man's fide then is God's Chojen, or chofen On~, for the word is fingular. This · chifen One, in the type, the covenant of royalty, is David; but .in the anti type, the · covenant of grace, 'tis the Son of Go.d, the lafl: Adam, even Chrill the Chofen ofGod,' Luke xxiii. 35· The trnth is, fuch great things ~re faid ofthe party with whom this .covenant w~s made, of his feed, and of the efficacy of this ~ovenant, as· <;an fully agree ·to none but ~hrifi and , his . fpiritual feed, ver. 4, 27, 29, 36, 37• The roya-l family of : Judah the houfe of David, never recov~red their an~ cien;t fplendor, after the Babylontjh captivity; with a view to which ~ime, this Pfalm feems to have been penned : their kingdom is extinB: many ages ago; and the grandeur 'of that family, accerding to the fleth, is quite funk. But the promife made to David, in the covenant ofroyalty, fiill floarifheth, and will flourilh for ever in Jefus Chrifr, the top.. branch .of the family . ofDavid. · How then can it be, but that, in theper• petua! buildingofmercy, mentioned ver. 2. and the ·· '.;e}iab!ijhment of David's fted, and . ' building up his throne to all generations,' ver. 4· Chri!r himfelf is chiefly aimed at? And indeed, fie only was thf;! mighty 1 • One, fit for, the va!l: undertaking in this covenant, ver. 19: and him the Father points q_ut to us, .as his eleCJ · or chojeri One, -Ifa. xlii. I. · ·' IJJ. As to the mahing of this covenant between the contracring parties; the Father made i.t wit~ 'his own ·son, ' I have made a covenant with my chofen :' and that, ' before the world began,' Tit. i. 2. l?Y theiJ; mutual agreement thereto, this covenant was · com– .pletely made from ete.rnity; even as the covenant ?f I works, with the firfi Adam, was, before we ~ere 111 being. The original text calls it cutting off a covenant; ',•