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I~ 4 lt1ferences from, &c. ., the: channel of the go(j>el. Ye will ferve in newnefS · offpirit, in faith and love. The frowns of a merci– ful Father wiJJ be a terror to Y.ou, to fright you from fin; love and gratitude will prompt you to obedience. The gr_ieving of the Spirit ofa Saviour, will be afpring of forrow to you: and his atqni~g blood and perfeCt . ,righteoulnefs will be the fpring-head of all your com- · fort before the Lord ; your good works, but fl:reams thereof, as' they evidence your faving interefi in thele, are accepted through him, and glorify God your Sa~ viour. Ye will not continue to ferve iri the oldnefs of the letter, a:s before; at what time the law \vas · the fpring of all the obedience ye performed : fear of the punifhment of hell for your fins, and hope of the reward of heaven's happinefs for your duties, being ~he weights that made you go, tho', for all them,– you often fiopt : your forrows fprrnging fi-om your ill works, under the influence of the law allenarly; and your comfort from your good works, under the fame influence ·: ye being alive to the law, and dead to Chriil, Rom. vii. 6. But now we are delivered from tke Law, that being deadwherein we were held; that weJhouldftrve in newnefs of Spirit, and not in 'the oldnefs of the letter. If by £1ith_you wholly rely on Chrifl:'s righteoufnefs, the holinefs of his nature, the righteoufnefs of hi5 life, and his fatisfacrion for fin, how is it impoffible but ye mufi be dead to the law? For the law is not of faith, Gal. iii. 12. But if you perform your obedience for life and falvation, looking for a.cceptance with God on the account of . your works, you go in a way "directly oppofite to the way of faith, and either altogeth'er rejeCt: Chrifl:'s fc1· tisfying of the law, or elfe impute imperfeB:ion unto his paym~nt of the bond. And Chrifl is become of no ejftB un{o you, whofoever of you are jujfijied by the law ; ye '<fre fallen from grace, Gal. v. . 4· Thus far of the fz"rfl part of the covenant, namely, the conditionary l'art. · . Th: