Boston - BT155 B677 1755

120 Of the Prami(es in genera!. birth ofhis natural feed: In refpect ofwhich, the pro~ mife would have had its direct and immediate effect, not on Adam himfelf, but on his 'pofierity. . II. The next thing to beconfidered, is,To wha.m they . were made. And we may take up this point, in two . things. Firfi, The ptomiles of the firfi fol·t, namely, Thefe havi~g their d ireCt: and immediate effeCt: on the per· fon of Chrifl:, were made to Chri/f himfelf. Of·this no doubt can be moved. And they were made to him as Head of the covehant, the fecond Adam, the "re• prefentative of his feed. This appears, from. our text wherein he is called the chofon, the Head eJeCt:, and , Reprefen tative of the eleCl:ion, DavidGod's fervant : · in which' capaci ty, the covenant was cut off, or made to him, by the Father. 'Tis ~evident, that all the promifes of affifl:ance in his work, and of his fubfe– quent reward, were made to him, in view of his per· formance of the condition : and therefore, fince he performed / the condition, as Hea.d of the covenant, fecond Adnm, and Reprefentative of his feed; thefe promifes were made to him in that capacity. ·, The promifes of this kind then were made to Qhri!l: only. And that . was the peculiar honour pllt upon the Head of t-he covenant, in the promiffory part; 'as it was his peculiar burden t~ fqlfil the conditionat:y part. So he haib the' name which is above every name,' and is ' anointed with the oil of gladnefs above hi~ fellows.' ln the election, whereof he is the Head, he I fhines above the refi, as the. fun in his meridian bl·ightnefs, r above the twinkling fiars. He is the Ben· jamin, at God's table with his brethren ; whole mefs · of promifes 'in the covenant, is .five times jo much ar a11y of theirs ; the Joftph , who was feparate from his .. brethren, in fulfilling the condition oLthe covenant, and bath a double pprtion in the promifcd. land, made over to him, as the fir/f-born amo1zg many brethren. · - Never•