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122 Of the Promi{es in general. condarily : Firfi, to the Head; then, to the members, . through him. , Firjf; The promifes having their immediate e.ffeCl: . on the eleCl, are made to Chrift immediately) primari· ly, and chiefly. God bath, in the covenant, promif– ed grace and glory, and all that pertains to life and godlinefs, imto a feleCl: company of mankind: but the promife of all 'thefe, was firfi and chiefly made to Chrifi their head ; fo that he hath not only an in· · tetefi in thefe promifes, but the chiefinterefi in them. · This ~tppears by feveral documents from the word of G~. . I •· The Apofile tefiifies, that 'the promifes were made to the Seed, which is Chrifi,' ,Gal. iii. 16. And· the promifes he fpeaks of, are the promife of the blejfing, of the Spirit, ver. 14. of the inheritance, .(.rer. 18. the promi[esreceived thr:ough faith, ver.22. Even ' thefe are made to Chrifi the head of the body. Thi~ is confirmed ~y thefe p~ffages, which lhew God's co– venant to be tnade with Chrifi, ana in the mean time explain it by a promife of the happinefs,of his feed, ' Pfal. lxxxix. 3, with 4· Ver. 28, and 29. Ver. 35, and 36. And what is more natural, than to make a pro· mife to a father, iri favoLlr of his children ? ' 2. Our Lord Jefus ·is confiitute the Heir of all things, (He b. i. 2.) in virtue of the promife of the covenant, 1will make him myjif"ji-bof"n, Pfal. lxxxix. 27. Now if Cbrifi, as the fecond /idam, be Heir of ' - all things, by his Father's promife, the promifes ofall things• are made to him; and confequ.cntly, the pro• - l'nife of eternal life, comprehending all happinefs to his people, is made to him in the firfi place. So Ghrifr is the firft: and chief heir, and they are fecondary heirs' in and through him. Hence in view 9f the great promife of the covenant, Lwill be their God, our Sa– viour bath that endearing expreffion_, ' I afcend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God,' John xx. I 7. Compare Rom. viii. 17. ' ,And if · chil-