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1~2 Of ·t ·he Pr.fJmije; · xi. 27. ' AH thirigs are deliVered unto me of'my Fa– ther.' Thus he bath by prornife, fuitable treafures for the fupp0rting of the dignity conferr'd on him. ,But ofthis alfo more afterwards. . La}lly, 'The .prom He of :viCtory and dominic.m over ~11 his and his people's en~mies, Pfal. lxxxiK~ '23. ' .I will beat down his foes before his face.' He was to. 'encounter with Satan, fin,' and death .in the quarrel of the defigned heirs ofglory; and no fooner was he engaged againft them, but the wicked world of ~en . ,began a war with him too : 'but he had .his Father's. promife, for victory and dominion -over them all : that, howbeit he fhou~d get the firfi fall, and die in the battle, yet his death fhould be the defl:rqcrion of Satan~s domfnion, fin~s ·PO\Yer, '~md death's bands- (~ver his people ; and that whofoev~r fhould go about to fupport that tottering interefi, fhould fall under himt Pfalm ex. 1. 'The ·Lord faid unto my Lord, Sit rhou . on my right hand, until I make thine ·~ne~ies ,thy footfiool.' And thus far of the t,hreefold prO_qlffe . pe~uljar to Chrifi hi:mfelf, in ·the c·ovenant. I ' ' . ' Of the. Pro~ift of ETE R~AL ~IF' E to t·he .~/e'll, Conjidered_~n 'Three PE{?. I 0 D s~ T H~ Promifes .common to th~ elect:, ~nade in and through Chnfi unto them, m the covenant, are· a.lfo many. A particular enumeration ofthem I intei1d not, rho' every one of them is more precious than the gold ofOphir; but it wool~ be prpfitable for ferious chrifl:ians, as th ey re~d · through the old and new· Tefiament, to mark them in their ·Bibles, for their fpiritual treafure, fior' d with fuch variety, as ~f· fords what is fuitable for every cafe they can be m• . they are all comprehended in, '!nd may be reduced . ' · · · · · · · : · · unto,