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· cf Sanllificati'OH: 15Q be the firfi-born am~mg many brethren,' Rom. viii. 29. ' And becaufe ye are fons, God bath. fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crymg; Abba, Father,' Gal. iv. 6. ' We are changed into the fame im.age, even as by the Spirit ofthe Lord,' 2 Cor. iii. 18. And it fiands in the fame relation to God's be– coming our God, Ezek.xvi. 8.' I fware unto thee, and entrcd into a covenant with thee, faith the Lord God,– ·and thou becamefr mine. Ver. 9· Then wa!hed I thee with water 1 ; yea, I throughly wafued away thy blood from thee, and I anointed thee with oil.' But altho' in' this work of fanCl:ification, there i_, communicate out of the all-fulnefs of grace in Chrifr, a meafurc, and that a predominant meafure of eve– ry grace ; yet is it not a full' meafure of any grace. Hence it comes' to pafs, that howbeit we are thereby renewed in the whole man, yet ' we are frill unrenew– ed in the whole man too, to wit, in refpeCl: of two ge– neral parts, thence called the renewed part, and the unrenewed part. For this communication of grace,. being of grace for grace in Chrifi, we are thereby re· n~wed in every particular .part indeed ; but the mea– fure of none of thefe graces being full, in any foul · while here, we are not wholly renewed in any fach part; bu.t there are remains of corruption, frill indwel~ ling in every fuch part, in the ·mind, will, and affec• tions, and in the body· by way of communication, 'with the unrenewed part. Thus, two contrary prin.. ciples, to wit, grace and corruption, are in the r.mai .. fied ; ·being together in' fuch fort, that Jn ev~ry parti– cular part where the one is, the ot~er is there, alfo by it: even as in the twilight, light and darknefs are in every part ofthe hemifphere. All which the Scripture doth abundantly declare. For, what we have of this gracious work upon us, while here, is but in ·part · it is not perfect, 1 Cor. xiii. 9, 10. The,re is a new~an put on, the:e is an old man to be put off,Eph. iv. 22, 24. There 1s fle!h as well as fpirit, in the b.efi, Gal. Y. 17. who therefore do lookf~rth but .as tb~ morning, L Gaut'