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174 The Pramift Jefus Chrifl:,' I Pet. ii. 5· This is evident from the forecited paffages, 2 Cor. iii. 5· and xii. 9· Philip. iv. 13. But withal, this fufficiency of grace and firength . for that efleet, is not lodged in the covenant-peopl• themfelves; but in Chrijf their Head, in wh~m they– have it, as the branches have a fufficiency pf fap and juice in the yin~, for their bringing· forth fruit in the feafon . , Ifa. xlv. 24. ' Surely, iliall _one fay, In the L'ord have I righteoufnefs and firength. 1 Tim. ii. r. Thou therefore, my fon, be firong in the grace that is in Chrifi Jefus.' And it is fetcht into ·the foul by faith, believing the promife; Jer. xvii. 7· 'Bleffed is the man that trufieth in the Lord.' Ver. 8. For he !hall be as.. a ' tree planted by the waters. Pfal. xviii. 7. My heart trufied in him, and I am helped.' And fo every command .of Chrifr, in hjs covenant, · fuppofeth an allowance of grace·and firength, fuffici– ent ' for the performing of it, in an acceptable man– ner. Accordingly, the dedaration ofgrace fiands on the front of the ten commandments, Exod. xx. 2. I am the Lord thy God··- "" · ~Ve'r. 3• Thoujha!t have n11 other Gods before me, &c. If the law came to us with– out the gofpel, we might have fome excufe for not doing what we are commanded; yet not fo firong, but .that it would be overthrown, as in the cafe of Pagans, Rom. ii. 12. But fince; with ,the commands of tbe Jaw r~quiring obedience, the gofpel alfo cotnes to us; fuewing how we may 'be enabled to obey them accep– tably, and offering us that ability in Chrifi' Jefus: we are inexcufable in that matter; the plea of the wicked and flothful fervant is rejeCted, and he is con– demned, .not only -for not giving. obedience, but for -refufing grace and firength offered him, to enable him thereto. Wherefore, let us firmly believe this pro· · mife of the gofpel-covenant, that WfJ may give obe .. dience to the commands of the law. For where there is. no hope of perfOI:ming acceptably what is required, there can be no fuitftble endeav.ours after it. lfthe heart