Boston - BT155 B677 1755

182 The'· Prom~fe "f ferves, l Tim. iv. ·s. ' hath promife of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.' W"_hen God took man into the firfl: covenant, he made p.rovifion in it, for his temporal as well as for his fpiritual and eternal welfare. He gave him a right to, 'and dominion over the creatur~s in the earth, fea, and air ; giving and granting unto him full power, fober1y to ufe them, and to difpofe of them, fo.r God's glory and his own comfort : and this lordlhip to be holden of h,im~ as foverdgn Lord of all, firm and ir-– reverfible, by the tenor of that covenant? as long as he fuould continue in his obedience ; but t() be for– feited to all intents and purpofes, in cafe he thould by tranfgreffion break the covenant. Gen. i. 28. and ii. 16, 17. But rnan continued not in this ,hqnour. He brake God's covenant, and fo fell from. that his right to, and dominion over, the creatures. By his tranfgreffion he forfeited life itfelf; and confequent· ly, lofr his cov~nant · right to all the means and corn.. forts of life. And in this condition are all natural men, 'with refpect to thefe things. They have no covenant·right to the rneans ' and comforts of life, whatever portion of them they are poffefi of. All the right that they have to them, is a mere providential, precarious right; fuch as a condemned man hath to his _food, during the time his execution is delayed at · the pleafure of the prir}fe. This' is a mofi uncertain and uncomfortable holaing : «1everthelefs it fo far a– vails, that they are not, properly fj'eaking, viqlent poffefTors of temperal benef.its; having jufi th'e fame right to them, as to their.forfeited life; while iris left them, by the difpofal of providence. Wherefore the ' ,worfi ofmen may la\ ully eat and drink . and take the benefit of other necdf.1ries of life ; whatever Satan .· n1ay fuggefi to the contrary, in the hou i- oftemptati· on .: yea, ,they ought to do it, .( and they fin againfl: God egregioufly, if they do it not; becaufe he bath faid, Thou /halt not kil l . But