Boston - BT155 B677 1755

188 . · .The Promife of . on. But Chrifi, the fecond Adam, having undertaken to bear the .curfe, and to die in the room and fiead of his people ; there was thereupon ,made a promife of death ro them: fince the Surety fuffering t_he pams of death armed with its fling, the principal behov'd to be liberate from fuffering the fame .over a-' gain. And thus the covenant fecures believers fi·om · death's harm. Yea, it ·fo alters the nature thereof, that it makes it a quire new thing to them, fromwhat it ~vas origina1ly. Hence death is found in the inven– tory of the faints treafure, '1 co·r. iii. 22. ' Whether iife, or death, or things prefent, or · things to ·come; all are yours.' Not only is life theirs by the covenant, but death is theirs too by the fame tenor. And indeed as it is new-fram'd by the covenant, it is of excellen,t ufe to them, bringing them into a fl;ate of perfection, and-everlafiiqg reil, Heb. xii. 23. Rev. xiv. 13. This promife is grafted upon the promife ofviB:o– ry made to Chrifi, as appears from the forecited Ifa . xxv. 8. He encoun ter'd death armed with its 1Hng, on purpofe to difann .it to his people : he received the fling thereof into his own foul and body, that they might be ·delivered from it. W 'hcrefore the promife ofvicrory over death, made to him, fecures the dif.. arming of it to them. And as the promife makes them fafe, in the encounte'r with tha~ lafi enemy; fo · the lively faith .of it may deliver fi·om fear in the cafe. Secondly, There is a promife ofdeflroying death t o the dead believer, by a glorious refurrection at the lail: day, Hof. xiii. 14. ' 0 grave, I will be thy de(hull:iop . When death enter~d into the world by fin, then came the grave, as death's ~attendant, to keep fail: his prifon.. ers, f01~ him, till the 'general judgment; and thus the grave ferves death, iri the cafe of all who die in a fl:ate ofenmity with God. . But Cbrifi, the fecond Adar~z, having i1l. the fecond covenant engag'd to go, in the .room and fl:ead of his people, death's prifouer, .into the grave ; and, th~re to ly till their debt .!hould be f~Hy .· paid :