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I 92 The P.rofl;li[e of hands I commit my fpirit ;' tt"lereby intimating, that tl;le r~c-eption of the fouls of his dying people, into the h.ands of the Father depends on the reception of hia foul into them. For his foul wa.s~ in virtue of the;t, fo re-ceived, as a p:ublick (md, reprefent~ ipg the foi;1,1S of th~ whole feed, whence Da,.vir)., fpeak– ing of Chrifi,_ faith, ' Thou wilt not leave rhy foul in hell,' Pfalm xvi. 10. with ACts ii. 31. wh~r~fore in the promife of receiving Chrifi's foul, was compre– hended a promife of receiving the fouls of aU his my· fHcal memb~rs. - S~condly, There is a promife oftranfporting tilu:m, foul and bo,dy, into heaven, there to be eve~ with the ' Lor:d, 'Yhich is to be accornpliih'd unto ~he~ at the· lafi day. Dan. xii. ~•. (I And many of them. t.hat Ueep. ir;1 the dqfi of the earth iliall awake,, tome to ~vevlafiing l.ife, and fome tO fuame and everlafiing contempt. Ver. 3· f\n9 they that be wife, {hall fl,1i1.1e as the bright· nefs of th.e firmament, and they that turn many to rigbtequfi.1efs, (or. ·rather, they that do righteoufly, of the many) as the fl:a:rs for ever and ever.' Whereas tb.e many mentioned, Ver. z. and comprehending all, are there divided into two forts, in refpe& of their fatu-re fiate in the eve~1t_ qf th~ refurrefiion : the hap• p.y P-art_, being the .(idl: fort of the1111, is defign'd, V er. 3· from their prefent fiat~ in this life, the wife ~nd they that do righteoujly, that is, in uew-Te· fiamen,t language; the righteou.s, Mat. xiii. 43· and • they thal have ·donegood, J,oht) v. oppo!ition to th~ foolifh,andtbey that have done evil. Thofe h-aving _ cr;me forth, unt.o . the rejurrellion oflifer John v. 29.: fP.a,Jl jbine as the bright~neft of the firmament~ and aS– tpe jlars for ever and 1 ever :yea, theyJhail]hine forth as the ju.n, in the kingdom -of their Father-, Ml\lt. x,iH. 43· This i_s the higheJ;l pinacle of the faints hopes i wherein they, in. their whole mall, !hall have the whole of eten:HJ.l life hi its perfeCtion. Man had_ a QOn4itipp.~,1 promife h~rqof, in the covenan,t of works: 1 but