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Cov~nant t;f Grace.i .. .., Ahraham, (ather ofthe multitude of the .faithful, who,.. upon God's call, left heaven his native country, .and came and fojourned among the curfed race ofmank~nd~ and there offered up his own fleih and blood a facnfice, · unto God, and fo became the tru~_ ' heir of the world," and received the promifes for l)is fpiritual feed, the fum whereof is given by Zacharias, in his account of the covenant with Abraham, Luke i. 72. ' To remember his holy coven:mt: V~r. 73• The oath which he fware to our father Abraham, Ver. 74· That he would grant unto us, .that we being delivered out of the hands of pur enemies, might ferve him without fear, Ver. 75· In holinefs and righteoufnefs b~fore him, all the days ofour life.' And finally, thus it was in the covenant. of everlafling pridlhood, made with Phinehas ; ano.. ther type of the covenant of grace. ln it Phinehas flood a reprefentative of his feed, Numb. xxv. 13. ' And he £hall have it, and his feed after him, even the covenant of an everlafiing priefihood; becaufe he was zealous for his God, and made an atonemeot for the children of Ifrael.' And therein he typified Jefu~ .Chrifi, reprefenting his fpititmil feed in the covenant ·of grace :. for it is evident, that it is in Chrifi, who ~11fde the great ~tonement for finners, the everlafiing pnefihood, promifed to Phinehas, hath its full accom.. pliiliment, his fpiritual feed partaking of the fame in him, according to Pfalin ex. 4· .' Thou art a priell: for ev<?r.' Rev. i. 6. ' And hath made us kings and priefis unto God and his Father.' Now, forafmuch as thefe typical covenantJ were mad~ or e~abliihed with parties, il:anding therein as public perfons, heads, and reprefentatives of their fee~~ it natively follows, that. the cc:;>venant of grace typified by them, was.. made With Chrill: as the head ' a1;1d reprefentative of his fpiritualjeed: for whatf0e– yer, is attrib?ted to.any perfon or thing as a type, hath . Its..acco~phfhmcnt really and chiefly i~ the perfon or . thmg typified. · · B 2 SecrmJ!y, _,