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- , , Covenant D[ Grace. 2 _1 'primarily ;nade,\vas furely the party-con:tracrer th~rein. Lajl!y, This federal headfh1p ofChri4, and h1s re– 'prefenting his fpiritual feed in the covenant of grace, , appear~ from his furetilhip in that covenant, the betre.r tefiament, whereof ' Jefus was made a furety ,' Heb. vii. 22. Now he comes fu_r€ty for them, in the way of fatisfaCl:ion for their debt of punifhment and obedience; \ ~nd that, taking ,the whole burden. on himfe]f, as for perfons u'tterly unable to anfwer for themfelves. This will afterwards fall in to be dearect Mean wbile, ft1ch a furety is a true reprefentative of the party he is fi.1rety for, and one perfon with them in the eye of the Jaw. Hence, not only is Chrifl: faid to have neen made fin fo,r us,' 2 Cor. v. 21. to have had the iniqui– ty . of us all laid or1 him, Ifa. liii. 6. and to have died ·for us, Rom. v. 8. But alfo we' are faid to have be-en crucified with Chrifi, Gal. ii. 20. to be made the ., righteoufi1efs ofGod in him, 2 Cor. v. 21. yea, to be raifed up together, and glorified, being made to fit rogether in heavenly places in Chrifi Jefus,' Eph. ii. 6. and fo be made alive in Chrifl:, as 'Ye die in Adam, 1 Cor. xv. 22. All which neceffarily requires this head: fhip and reprefentation, in the covenant. And thus it ~ppears that the fecond covenant was made with Chrifl: as the lafi or fecond Adam, head and repref~mtative of his fpiritual feed. , Secondly, We are to enquire, wherefore the fe– cond covenant, the covenant of grace, was fo mad~. And this fuall be accounted, for in the following par– ticulars. , . Firfl, '"!'he covenant of grace, was made with 'chrill: ·.Jas the lafl: Adqm, head and reprefentative of his fpiri· tual feed, that infinite love might have,an early vent, even from eternity. The fpecial love of God to the fpiritual feed took vent in the covenant of gace : and that love and that- covenant, are of the f.1me eternal qate; as the Jove was everlafiing or eternal,Jer. xxxi. 3· So was the covenant, Heb. xiii. ~o. '):'it. i. 2· But, B 4 fincc