Boston - BT155 B677 1755

·. A V I 0 F THE C 0 V EN ANT . of GRA C E I ' FROM THE ·-S.ACRED RECORDS: .- WHEREIN The·,p A. R T 1 E s in that COVENANT, · the MAKING of it, its PAll T s Con– ·ditionary and Promijfory, and the An M 1 N I s T R A T 1 o N thereof, are d'iftintl:ly confidered : __ ' Together with . The TRIAL of a faving Perfonal IN·BEJNG in it, and the WAY 'oflNsTATING Sinners therein unto thei Eternal Salvation. To which is fubjoift'd, A MEMORIAL concerning Perfonal and f'ami!y Fafling and HumiliatiQn, prefented to SAINT• and S.INNERS. ----· ---~---------... ,i-1.'~ By the late Rev.erend and Learned Mr. THOMAs BosToN, J!Iinifler of the Go.JPel at Ettrick. -:------·---------·-- , · G L A S . Q 0 IV, Printed by WILLIAM DUNCANSen. an~ fold at his Shop itl Gibfon's Land, Salt~market•. M.J)CC,,Lv..