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CovetJant of Crac~. 47 tlculat, for his body myfiical, for which he lhould co– venant with his Father. And in token thereof, he– as it were, received and kept as· his owQ, tqe ' book of life' containing their names, which is therefore cal– led ' the Lamb's book of life,' Rev. ·xxi. 27. ·. . Secondly, The Father propofed to him as fecond · .Adam,the new covenant for life and falvation to them~· in the full tenor,. promifes, and conditions thereof; treating, "'·in him,- with a1l lhefe particular perfons of lofi mankind, eleaed unto life, and given,to him, even. as he treated with all mankind, in AJam, in the firft, covenant. The promifes therein propofed, were in– deed .great and gloriot.ts : but withal, the conditions~ or terms, on which they were propofed, were e~ceeding high. · , . . . . . , Howbeit, as the firfi Ac!tJm, .fian:ding as head and reprefentative of all his natural feed, entred into the fidl: c~venant with God; accepting the promifes thereof, upon the' terms and conditions therein pro– pofed, which he engaged to fulfil: fo our Lord Jefus, fianding as fecond Adam, head and reprefentative of the particular perfons of lo.£1: mankind, by nam_e elected to life, and given to hiin as his fpiritual feed, entred. into the fecond covenant with his Father ; accepting the proinifes thereof, upcm the terms and condition• therein propofed ; confenting and ._engaging to fulfil the fame, for them. And thus the covenant ofgrace . ·was made, and ~onduded, betwixt the Father and Chrifi the fecond Adam,· from all eternity; being the fecond· covenant, in refpefl of order and manifefiation to the world, tho' it was fir.ll: in being, 1 Cor. xv. 47 .. ' The fecond Man is the Lord from heaven.' Ifa.liii ., 10. 4 When thou fhalt make his foul an offering for fin, he fuall fee his feed.: Tit. i. 2. ' In hope of eter– nal life, \vhich God that cannot He, promifed before the world began,' Pfa1m xi. 6. ' Sacrifice and offer... ing thou not defire, mine' ears haft thou opened·· - · D , . 7. Then