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. . Chrijl the ,Surety oft'he Covenant. 5'1 !frael of the Philijlines their oppreifors; pulling down the houfe on the Philiflines, and dying himfelfto de- .fi~y t?em, Judge's xvi . II. Chrifl the Surety of the Covenant. CHRIST the fecond Adam, confenting to the eo• , venant, fifl:ed him alfo Surety of. it, Heb. vii. 2 2 ; ' By fo much was Jefus made a Surety ofa better t~fiament ;' or rather, as otherS' read jt, of a better covenant~ A furety is o~e wh'o undertakes for another, obliging himfelf whether for paying hi$ debt, civil or criminal, or for his performing a deed. That we may then rightly undedl:and Chriil's Suretiihip, it is necef– fary we confider, r/i, For whom. (2.) For ·what, he became furety in the covenant. , ' Firft, For whom Chrifi become fur~ty in the co– venant. I find two things advanced on this head, namely, (1.) That he became Surety for God tofi~ners. And (2.) Surety f(jr Jinners to God. To the fidl: of thefe, the Socinians refl:rain Chrifr's furetifhip, denying tl1e fecond ; and fo ove'rthrow the' faundati·- , on of our falvation. But all orthodox divines agree, in that the fecond of thefe is the main thing in it. " Some of them indeed, make no difficuJty of admit– tiJ;Jg, that Chrifi became furety .for God to finners, as · well as furety for finners to God ; underta,king, on. God's' part, that all the promifes iliould be made good to the feed, even to all that believe. There's 'no quefl:ion,l but God's promifes are, in r~fpect of his inf'!-llible truth and veracity, mofi firm and fure in. themfelves, and carinot mifs to be performed : but we, being guilty creatutes, are flow bf heart to believe ; and therefore do need what may make them more fure ·to us, or to affure our hearts they fhall · be performed to us. And for this caufe, he hflth given us his word of promife unde,r his hand, in the holy Scriptures; arid an earne}J of the inhe-ritance, Eph. i. 14. the ftal of the Spl.rit, ver. 13. 2 Cor. i. 2l· the facra- . . D 4 n1ental