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· ' of the Covemmt; · 6t that, furthermore, in the mifery of a fiate of fervitude or bondacre, Gal. iv. 24~ ' Thefe: are the two cove– nants ; d~e one from the mount Sinai, which gen· . dreth to bond~ge~' Their falling under the curfe, in.. ferr'd the lofs of their liberty, and confiituted th~m bond-men ; as appears from the nature of the thing, and in.!l:ances ofthe curfed in other cafes, as Gen. ix. 25. 'Curfed be Canaan; a · fervant of Jervants fhall he· be.' Jofh. -ix. 23. ' Now therefore ye (na'mely tht: Gibeonires) are·"'cvrfed, and there lhall none of yoJ.l be freed from being bond men.' The· very ground beingcurfed, (Gen. iii.17.) fallsunder ·bondage, ac– cording to the Script~Are, Rom. viii . 21. Now Chrifi .fuw all his fpiritual feed, in this fiate of , fervitude; but unable to bear the mifery of it, or to fulfil the fervice : and he put himfelf in theit;' room, as they were bond-m'en; transferring th.eir .fiate of fer· vitude on himfelf, and fo fifiing himfelfabond fervant for- them. · The holy Scripture fets this mat,ter in a clearer light. That's a plain te!Hmoriy unto it, Philip. ii. 6, 7. 8. ' '\tVho being in .the form of God,--took upon him .~. the form of a fervant,--·and became-obedient unto · , death, even the death of the crofs.' The form of a fervant, which he took upom hin1, was the form of a · bond-fervant. For fo · the word, in the original, pro• perly fignifies; being the fame word, that is .con– .fiantly ufed in that new-T 'e.fiament phrafe, which we read bond or. free, or bond and free, I Cor. xii. 13. Gal. iii. 28. Eph. vi. 8. Col. iii. u. Rev. xiii. 16. ahd xix. 18·. And the Apofl:le leads· us to underfland it fo h~re, telling us, that this great Surety- fervant ' became obedient unto death, e'lfen the death of the crofs.' The which kind of death was .a Roman pu– nifhment, called by them the fervile punifhment, or , ' punifhment of bond·fervants : becaufe it was the death, that bond-men malefaCl:ors were ·ordinarily doom'd unto; freemen fddo.m, ifever, according to the