Boston - BT155 B677 1755

64 Chrifl .the Surety _ of Jefus eV-ery knee ihould bow,' Philip. ii. 9, to: This. latter fervice of Chrill; belongs to the promi(e of the covenant : but the former, to wit, the bond– fervice, _being his fur~~y-fervice, belongs to the con: dition of the covenant : wherefore, rifing from the d·ead, having fulfilled the condition of the covt;nant, paid the debt for which he became furety, and got u_p . the difcharge, he put off for ever the form and cha:– raCl:er of a bond· fervant, and ' rofe and· revived, that . he might be Lord both of the dead and living.' Rom. xiy. 9· · . And hence it clearly appears, how the obedi~nce of_ the Man Chrifi, comes, in virtue of the covenant, to. be imputed to believers for righteoufnefs, as well as his fatisfi1Cl:ion by fuffering : for that kind Qf ob~,;. · di~nce, which he performed as our furety, was no .more due by him, antecedently to his contraft of·fure;o tifhip, ·than his fatisf.1Cl:ion by ruffering. 'Tis true, the humaP.. nature of'Chrifr, being a creature, owed obedience to Go.d in virtue of its creation ; and mu.O: owe it for ever, forafmuch as the creature, ~s a crea– ture, is fubjeCl: to the natural law, the eternal rule of righ.teoufnefs : but Chri!l: putting himfelf iQ a fiat.e of fervitude, taking on him the form of a bond-fervant, and, in 'the capacity of a bond-fervant, performing obedience to the law, as it fiated in the.covenant, ·. for life and falvation , , was entirely voluntary. -Obe"" . dience to the natural law was due by the man Chrifir, •·. by a n.atural tie : but -obedience to the pofitive law · binqing to be circumcifed, baptized, and the like 19 which fuppofed guilt on the party fubjeCl:ed thereto, · was not due, but by. his own voluntary engagement. And the qbed!ence of a fon to the natural law, he OW1ed naturally: put ob~dience .to that or any other law., in the charaCl:er of a bond-fervant, a:od thereby to ·. gain eternal life and falvation,. he owed not but by compaCt. The human ·nature of ChrHl: had a com– plete right to eternal life, and was aaually polfefr . . · thereof,