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68 , Chriji the Priefl ' for a deed to be done by the feed : ·but therein be fpeaks to men, as adminifirator of the covenant, in· trufied with the conferring, on finrters, the benefits . purchafed by hi~ obedience and death, and made over to him by the prom,ife of the Father. Matth. xi. 27. 1 All things are delivered unto me of my Fat,her. Ver. 28. Come unfo me all ye that labour, ahd are heavy laden, and I will give you reil:.' Luke xxii. 29. ' And I appoint (or difpone) unto, you a kingdom, ~~ my Father bath appointed (or difponed) unto me.' Thus far of Chrifl:'s Suretijhip in the covenanr. III. Chrifl the Priefl r;fthe Covencmt. , 'AS it was neceifary for Chrifl:, the fecond Admit, his doing the p'art ofa Kinfman-Redeemer, that he !hould become !urety in the covenant : fo it was neceifary to his perfm:ming of what he bec~nne fure– ty for, that he fhould be a prie!l:. Ahd accordingly, confenting to the covenant, he . became the Priefi of the covenant, Heb. ix. 11. ' Chrifi being come ~n high· prieJ} of good things to coine.' A priefi is a. public perfon, who deals with an offended Cod, in the name of the guilty, for reconciliation, by facri– £ce, which he offereth to God upon an altar, being thereto called of God, that he -may be accepted. So a priefi\ fpeaks a relation to an altar, an altar to a fa– crifice, and a facrifice to fin. Thefe whom Chrifi reprefented in ~he covenant, being finners, he became their Priefi, their High– priefl:, appearing before God in their name, to make atonement and reconciliation for them : and this wa3 · the great thing, that the whole priefihood under the · law, and efpecially the High·priefihood, did typify and point at. Their nature _was the priefis garments \ he put on, to exercife his pr ieftly office in ; . the fame . being pure and undefiled in him : and in their na– ture he fuftained their perfons, reprefenting them be· Qfe God, '}S thei'r -great high-priefi. A lively type · hereof ·