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2 A Vi~w · of the . ground of which confident aifertion is, in our text, pointed oufto be God's covenant with hischrifen. From the type o(tl~e covenant of Grace, namely, the cove– nant of royalty made with David, .he faw a building up ofmercy for. the royal family of Judah, whet} they were brought exceeding low. From the fobjldnce of i t, he faw a building ofmercy for finners ofmankind, who were laid in t:uins by. the breach of the fidl: cove– nant. T 'hjs is that 1lew buildin.g which free grace fet on foot for us; into which they that believe are infian– tly, thereupon, ' received, and where, mice received, they fuall dweH for ever: a building of mercy, in which every ftone, from the bottom to the top,, from the foundation· Hone to the cope-ftone, is pure mercy, ,rich and free mercy to us. · Ofthis building ofmercy, I !hall drop a few words. And (r.) Theplan ofit was d,rawo from all eternity, in the council of the Trinity : for it i-s 'accordin-g to the eternal purpole purpoled in Jefus Chrifi,' Eph. iii ~ I 1. The objells ofmercy, the time andplace, the way and means, of conferring it on them, were defigned particularly, before man was miferable, ·yea ' before he was at all. (2.) 1~he Builder is God himlelf, the Fa· ther, Son, and holy Ghofi, 1 Cor: iii. 9· 'Ye are ,God.'s bu~lding.' All hand~ of the g'1orio"\]s Trinity are at work in this buildi~:g: the Father choft the objecb of mercy' and gave them to the so-n to be redeemed; the Sonpurchafed redemption for them,; and the holy Ghofiapplies the purchafed redemption unto them; but · it is fpecialJy attributed to the Son, on the accopnt of his fingular agency in the work, Zech. vi. 12: 'Be– hold the man whofe name is the BRANCH.-,-H& Ihall • build the temple of the Lord: Ver. 13. Even liE · the temple of the Lord, and· HE !hall bear · the glory.' (3.) The foundatio.n was laid deep in the eternal ~ounfel; beyond the reach of the eyes ofmen or angels. Paul confidering it, cries our, ' ·o the depth ! Rqm. xi. 33· For who hath known the miud ·· of