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the fecond Head. - 77 God, I mu!l: belong to one or other ; and tQo long have I been for another: but now, timbet of the houfe , and fiones of the wall, bear witnefs, my foul i$ con– tent with, qmfents to, and refis in this me~bod of di(.– pofing ofme; namely, That the God ttnd Father· of our Lord Jefus Chrifi ,be my God, in Chrifi, an.d I one of his people from henceforth and for ever. . This-manner of CO\'eQanting is.inconfifient with a purpofe or defire of contin'Qing in fin ; ~ven as on e;: 's committing hirpfelf for cure, into the hands of a phy– .fician, who cures infallibly, i~ inconfifient with a dea · fire to keep his dife.afc hanging about hin1; Chrift , being ' made efGod unto us wifdom, righreoufi1efs., fanCl:i.fication, and redemption,' x.Cor. i. ro. It ne– celfarily carrie$ along with it, · a taking of Chri[l: for a Prophet, a Priefi, anq a King, and Lord. unto us ; as fuch a one cloth neceifarily' yield himfelf to the phyfician's management. In it one joins himfelf to Chrifi as his cov:enant·head, who ~lfo is. the admini– firator of the covenant; and fo fubjecr's hin\felf to his teaching and governi11g. ..find ~tis fuch a way of eo... venanting as no profane perfon, nor hypocrite, con:- . tinuing fo, ever: di~ or can fall in with . For, (1.) It fpeaks a heart·conten,t to part with all fin, w.el1-pleafed with .Chrifi'.s whole falvation, whereof the principal part is to ' fave his people from tbeir fins,' Mat. i" 71. whereJs unfound covenanters are always offen~ed, with fome on~ thing or other in Chdfi, Chap. ~i. 6.• (2.) It fpeaks a foul carried out o£ all confidence in itfelf, its own working and doing for life and ~lva,. t~ on ; ~nd bottomed only upon ChriH's doipg and f.uffering, for tha~· end. .A,nd thus, fu~h a covenan– t~r, beiug ' poor in Spirit,' Matth. v. 3· an.ct rejoi– cing in Chrifi je(us, and having nq co~fi:den(::e in th~ fl~lh, Phil. ,iii. 3· is,d-ifiinguiilied frqm the prefl.l·ffiP'" tpous hypocrite, whofe confidence for life and falva- , tion i~ ever upon his own doing and ~~ork~ng, ehh~J' in wh-ol.e m; in pArt : ~ ~ ~lf9 fhml the 9t:fr~v· iQg ur.,.,. · bdiever,