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Holineft of Na,re. . 91 is atlually conveyed to them, fromAdam their ,natu– ral Head, in whom they finned in Jaw-reckoning. ,2. The other claufe is,' That Chrifr, as the fecond Adam, lhould'retain the holinefs of nature, inviolated unto the end, for them ~md in their name.' The law, or covenant of ·works, reqtaired as a condition of life, · that the holinels of nature given to mankind in Adam, ·. fuould be prc;ferved pure and u.ncorrupt. But 'it was lofi: and put the cafe, that it had been refiored, . they could not have retain'J it, in their own perfons, llll· . frained amiJfi fo many fnares. Wherefore, to fatisfy law-demand in this point, it was provided, that in-the Man-Chrifi as a publick Perfon Reprefentative of his feed, their nature fuould be kept perfectly holy unto the end; without the Ieafi fiain or defilement. Ifa. xlii. 4• He jhal! not fail, Or, He fha!l not wax dim, or wrinkle, as the fkin cloth when the moifiure is ex– hauHed~ Therein the firfi Adam fail'd. He ihone in . purity of nature, as he came from the Creator's hand: -but he foiled, he waxed dim; the holinds of nature being exhaufied by fin, :ill mankind in him loft their fpiritual beauty, and wril;.tkled.Butnow that the fecond Adam fail'd not; but preferved the holinefs of human nature in him, unfiain'd, not iq the leafi darkned, e– veri to the end ofhis life : the remains of the corrup– tion of natqre in believers, are not imputed to them, Rom. iv. 8. but, as defiled a~ they are in themfelves, through thefe remains cleaving to them, yet; in Chrifi: their beauty is frelh, and not marred in the leafi, ac;• ·cot·ding' to that, Cant. iv. 7. ' Thou art all fair, my love, there is no fpot in thee.' A R TIC L E II. Righte~ufnifs ofLife. THIS alfo the law infifreJ upon as a condition of life; and jufily : for Oo..t gave to All11m, .and · all