Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

86 Thegreat Gofpel-Myitery ofthe Saints comfort andholinefl : 2. gracious foul, blefred by Jefus Chriff, and don't take no- tice oftheir fathers biding. But the LordChrift doth al wales bleffe his people; only, thereare feveral times, fpeci- all feafons that he gives out his bleffing : let me tell ye of thofe times a little, that fa ye may come for his blaring while his hand is in, as it were : In that you may be crow- ned with fpiritual bleffings in and from Jefus Chrifi. Firit, When Chrift our High-Prieft dotb fee that a man treak_in Grace, or weakin Gifts, and bath fome work, or fervice for him to do,fome imployinent to call him forth unto ; then the Lord Chrift doth blefle him. There are Two times efpecially (as I remember) that the Lord fpeaks thofe words concerning man, Increafe and Multiply. Once in thebeginning, when he had made man and woman ; And once in the 9. of Gene/is, when he hadbrought Noah out of the Ark : Why does he rather choofe for to fpeak thofe words, Increafe and 174ultiply, at thefe Two times efpecially, rather than at any other time ? In the beginning there was but a little flock of man-kind, and the Lord had a defign upon man, to make de of him in the world; and therefore in the beginning faies he, Increafi and Multiply : but afterward, that the floud had fwept away man, Noah and his family being pre- ferved, when he came out of t he Ark, the Lord having yet a further defign upon. man, to Life him, he xeneweth thofe words again, iizcreaje and Multiply. So when the Lord Chrift fees, that a mans heart is upright, and fincere with him, and he bath fome workand fervice for him to do, then the Lord conies forth and blares him ; 0 foul, Increafe and Multiply, increafe in thy Gifts, and Graces, and Multiply. That is one. Again, As the Lord dotb blefe weakCifts, andGracu,rpheas be intendstoufe them fo al/c, when ashe hark madeufeofa man; when a manbath done theworkof God, and done it to purpofi, then he Lord lolefer that man. frielab44e,sa put Typc of Chrift, here when Abraham had been ppon a to446;try,ipeo ilaying Kings and refcued Lot, tbcn 1141cbifidec,the fiitph- Prieft, comes forthand Sn wima the LcaV1 Je- rus