Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, and applyed fromCHanTs Prieftly-Office. 89 Fira for,Cornfort, Beloved, Is it not a,Comfortable thing to be bided by jefus Chrift ? Children counted it a great matter to be bleit by their parents. when as Jacob hadgot- ten the Bleffing from Efau Efate goes and sits down, and mourns, hecould not be comforted becaufe the bleffing was gone : and Jacob, though he were airlift out of doors, yet becaufc he had gotten the Blefling, he went away cheer- full ; and it was but an Ifaac's Bleffing. But behold a .greater then Ifaacis here! Oh! was it fuch a matter to have an Ifaac's Biding? what is it then to be Elefled by Jefus Chritt? Beloved ! when as Chrift doth blefs, he turnsll our Curies into Bleffings, and our Miferies into Mercies. When GodCurfes, he turns our Table into a Snare : andwhen Chrift Bleffith, he turnes our fnare in- to a Table, quite contrary. Jacob pronounced a Curie upon his two fons,SimeonandLevi (you know upon what occafion) They .fhould be divided and fcattered in Ifrael afterward the Tribe ofLevi stands up at the cOmandement of God to execute juilice &Judgment,&the Lord bleil them: And howdid he blefs them They were to be the Preachers unto all the Tribes ; and fo that they might be Preachers unto all the Tribes, they were to be fcattered into all the Bribes, & fo Jacobi curfe was turned into a biding to them. Is it not a Comfortable thing,for a man to have all his Curfers, to be Riefler!, ? It's a Comfortable thing, for all a mans Cur fes, to become Bleffings : But now 1 fay,it'sa Comfortable thing,for al a mans Curfers,to be Elders to him. Vt, he the Lord Chrift Eleffes, hewill make mens Curlers, whether, theywil or no, (in the dayof their vifitation at leaft) for to Elefs. Ye know that Balaamwould have Cu rfed Ifrael, but the Lord had bleft them. Balaam got up5 a high mountain, and from thence he would have Curled Ifraei, but it would not be. Then he gets upon another highMountain, & from thence he would have Curled Ifrael, but it would not be. Then he getsupon another high Mountain: thinking that would have done it, and from thence he would have Cu r- fed Ifrael, bat that would not de, it. Oh ! fa ies he The p Lord