Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

98 Satan spower to Tempt 5 andChrift's love to, firaChapter, that for the Perfonal Excellencies of Jefus- Chrift ; He h the Sou ofGod; Heire of all things; by Whom were the Worlds made : being the brightnefsofhis Fathers glory, and the expref; Imageof his Perfon, in the 2,,Sr 3. verfes of that Chapter. That he is far above the Angels, at the 4. verfe. That he is Godhimfelf, at the 6. verfe. And as for thofeex- cellencies that relate his Offices : He tels us at the I. verfe, That he is the Prophet FP h .m o, rop ets. That he is the great King, at the S. verfe. That he is an High-Priefi, in the 2. Chap. and the 17. verfe : and therefore who would.notmiff unto him, and take heed unto fetch things as he fhall fpeak unto them. And as for the love, and good-will that he bears unto the Childrenofmen; theApoitle fpeaks it out in this Se- cond Chapter. The greater Condefeention in the perfon loving, to the nerfon loved, the greater is the love. Now though Jefus Chria be Heir ofall things ; and had all things put under his feet ; far above all Angels : yet notwithftanding, at the .7. verfe, He is made a little lower than the Angels, take/ our na- ture upon him, 6-c. The more Profitable any love is, to the perfon loved, the greater is the love. Such is the love of Chrift ; for his love is Inch, That by himmany Eons are brought toglory, at the re. verfe. Santiifiedwhile they live, at the r 1. verfe. Satan their deadly enemy feabduedfor them, at the 14, & 15: verfes. The more Diftinguithing any love is, the greater is that love. Now Jefus Chrift, as the great Load-(tone, paffes by the golden mettel of Angels, and draws unto himfelf the Iron-mettal of man kind, at the 16. verfe : For verily, be took not on him the nature ofAngela 5 but he too&on him thefeed of A- braham. Again, The more the perfon loving, does Suffer for the perfon loved, the more and the greater is the love. Chrift fuffered death, and he was while he lived ft:bleat° our in. frmities, and unto our temptations : Hewas in all thingsmade like unto us, at the 17. verfe. And he-was tempted as we are tempted, that be mightfUccour thof that are tempted, at the IS. verfe. And.