Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care of his People under Temptation. and haunted with a Temptation. And the holy Choil al- luded to this praCtiCe, when he faith here in the text, `jeftg Chrift is able to fuccour : The word Succour, fignifies fuch a P4°-:". Succouring as brings in help unto thole that cry out ; to come in, and run in with help upon ones crying out. In the 12. of the Revelation, it is laid, Woe to the inhabitants of the earth; for the Devil is come down with great wrath, for he knows that his time is Port. There is a Woe in it, where the Devil comes down with great wrath. Now he looks up- on all the Saints, as having their time but fhort, and he comes down upon them in great wrath with his temptati- ons : and there is a Woe in it, although the temptation takes not : And for ought I know, upon this account, the new-Teftament may fo promilcuoufly ufe the word Tempta- tion, both for .Aifigiion, and Satan, Suggellions, even becauf feldom any Affii&lon comes, but it does bringTemptation with it : never any Temptation but brings Affli,Etion : al- wales fomething of a Suffering in every Temptation, even at that very time when it does leaft prevail. This is the: Firilc thing. Secondly, Doth GodPuffer his own children the to Suffer.? Yes, Andmany times theheft, molt tempted, the bell men meet Anjw. with the worft temptations, thofe that are molt eminently Godly, are mollfot4y afjaulted. David, Job, Peter, Paul, and Chrift himfeif was. Yea, God doth not only fuffer Satan to come, and prefent evil objeEts before his fervants, but Inars him to go fo far, as to foliate, to p refs, to follow on his temptation. And therefore it is Paid concerning David, That Satan floodup, andprovok him to Number the people. He didnot only prefent an evil oVeec tohim, but he followed his temptation, he folicited, he floodup and provoked Da- vid toNumber the people. Yea, God cloth not onlyfufer this : but at that very time, when the Saints have hadmolt of God, then they have Wered by the hand of temptation. when Paul had been taken up into the thirdHeaven, then a meffenger, Satan was fent to buffet ,him. And when Jefus thrift had heard the voice, This is my 103