Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

c)6 Satans power to Tempt ; and Chrift's love to, I. 2. red the children ofIfrael tobe Vexed, and tofifer by the hands ofthe Egyptians, he dot')fifer hisocrn dear children to be flung, and vexed by thefe temptations. Give me leave a little in. that. God fuffered the Mantes to be vexed, & toPuffer much by the hands ofthe Egyptians, Thatfo he might make his glo- rious power the Fiore to appe-irfor tbem , and in them. For when men law, that the Ifralites increafed and profpered, the more they were oppreffed, and the more that the Egypti- ans laboured to cut them off: then who would not fay, Gh! what power, and what mercy is here? So now, when asmen (hall fee, that thegraces of the Saints increafe the more by temptation, and by fpiritual oppreffion ; who would not fay, Oh ! what mercy, and what power is here ? God fuffered the Ifralites to be vexed by the Egyptians, That the If'alites might not learn their manners, and their Super. Pions. They were very apt to drink-in their manners, to imitate, to follow them. Notwithftanding all the ill u- fage that the Ifraelites had at the hand° of the Egyptians, they were veryapt to learn their manners : had they had better ufage, howwould they have drunk them in much more then ? Beloved! Cod would not have us to learn the manners of Satan, we are apt to drink them in too much notwithflanding all the hard dealing that we have from our temptations that do comefrom Satan : had we better entertainment, how fhould our fouls mingle, and incor- porate with thofe temptations? God fuffered the Ifraelites tobe vexed by the Egyptians, Thatfi; they might be provoked againfl them, to cut them off, and deflroy them utterly. We never cut off an Enemy, and de.- ftroy him utterly till we,be provoked ; and we are provo- ced by the ill ufage that we have at their hands. God would have Satan defIroyed : for this canfe was Chrift manifefted in the flefh, that he might deftroy the works of Satan ; And what Chriadid fdr us, he loth work in us andwe will not deftroy, him. tilLwe be, provoked) and therefor*