Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and carefor, bit People under Temptation. Jog not, but fu ffer they do. And fo I have cleared thePoint Godfulfil's hit own dear children to beforely tempted, yea, and to Pifer under the hand ofa temptation. I come to theApplication. If this be fo : Then why doyou that are the Servants of God Apply". queftion Gods love toyou, andcallyour own condition into quelii on becaufe of your temptations, or becaufe of the hard things that you meet withal] from the bandofyour temptation ? Oh ! faits one, ifGod loved me, I should never be thus tempted , I fhould never fuller fuch hard thingsby temptation as now I do : was there ever any ofGods Children tempted thus ? Surely this cannot !land with grace. But was not Jefus Chrift tempted ? Yes. But I am tempted many times to doubt of myChild-fhip, whether I be the Child of Cod, Sonof God I or no. And was not Chrift thus ? There were Two fpecial times of Chrifis temptation': Once when he enteredupon theMinistry : Once when hewent out of the world; and you fhall fee, how at both there times, helvas followedwith this temptation : In the 4. ofMattherr,therc you reade ofthe lira, and in the combate, twice, If thou be the Son of God? faies the Devil : putting an Ifupon his Son- fhip : and again, If thou be the Son ofGod : putting arp other Ifuponhis Son-fhip. So when hewas upon the Crofs; the Devils Inftruments fpeak his own Language, they had not forgottenit : Ifhe be the Son ofGod, let him come down ? puttingan Ifupon his Son-fhip again. The Devil follows this clofe. Oh'? but I am tempted many times to ufe indi- reEt meansto get out oftrouble,out ofmine affliEtion. And was not Chrift fo? when he was anhungry, faies the De- vil to him, Command that thefe flones be made bread. Oh ! but I am tempted, I am loth to fay what it is , fometirnes event° lay violent hands upon my Pelf. And what laid the Devil to Chrift 7brow thy [elf down offthepinacle of the Temple. Oh ! but I am tempted to horrid and blafphe- mous thingsthat I am-afraid to name, andmy heart trem- bles?