Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and care of ,his People under Temptation. and being an Angel, he is a Superiour creature to man, and therefore, according to the rank of Creation he hath a great deal of power over man. Man hath a great power over the Beasts, for man is a Superiour. The &ads hay e a great deal ofpower over the Herbs, and the grafle, for the Beaft is the Superiour. The Angels by Creation are Superiour to man ; Satan, though fallen, is an Angel flili : according to the rank ofCreation, therefore he mu ft needs have a mighty power over the children of men. But he is not only a Supeeineecreature, but alCo a more Spiritual creature than man, he is a fpirit ; and upon that account, he is more able to come within a man, to clofe with a mans foul and fpirit f being fpirit himfelf, he is more able to converfe with, to cloth and get within our fouls and fpirits. Thirdly, He is able to fiegefi unto man whatfoever he plea- fes, and tocall in a thoufand finfull objets into a mans mind one after another. Yea, and he being fowell experienced, having ftudied man for many thodand years : having gotten in all thefe years fo much tempting skill and policy, he is able to dif- cern what that bait is, that will take fooneft with the children of men, according to their Natures, Conflituti. ons, Complexions, Ages, Sexes, &c. Further, He i s not only able to preCent and fuggefl ; but he is alfo able to foll-w hio fugeIlion!. It is faid, That he flood up, andprovoked David to number the people : he did not only prefent that evill untoDavid, but he did folicite, he provoked David to number the people (faies the text.) He is not only able thus; but !this able alfo, to bemire the phanfie, to raife ftormes in that lower region : A mans foul (ye know) it works by organs, it works by the body, and by the phanite : now Satan being able to difturbe the phanfie of a man, is thereby able alfo, to hinder the very operationof the foul. He 243 2. 5. 40- 5. 6.