Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and carefor, his People under Temptation. 25.1 man come under my hand, and let me tempt him a little, and fee if he don't lalatpheme. Well Satan, ( tales God) lob is in thine band, only fIare his life : And Satan did tempt him, and touch him : and in [lead of blafpheming,behold bleffing ; The Lord givetb, and the Lord take& away ; blefled be his Name: Here now Job gavea Teflimony, that hedid not ferve God for fomething, that his heart was fincereand up- right. And fo, when men can hold out, notwithlianding all their temptations, they give a Teftimony of their up- rightnefs, and fincerity, and that their fouls do cleave un- to God in truth. For thefe, and manyother reafons, the Lord doth fuffer his own beft, and deareft Children to be tempted by Satan. come to Application. IfGod doth fuffer his own people, and deareft children, to be expiated toSatans temptings and winnowings : by fhould any man then doubt of his Cbild-fhip, doubt ofhis owneverlaiting condition, and fay, That he is none of the child of God becaufe he is tempted ? Beloved'. I have teen a foreevil under the fun, a vanity even among the Saints, and peopleofGod : Some doubting of the foundnefs of their condition, and the love ofGod, becaufe they are not tempted; others doubt becaufe they are tempted. One faies, Oh I amafraid I am none ofthechildof God, for I was never tempted, the children of God, they meet with temptations,but I was never yet buffetted, and therefore I am none ofGods child :Another on the contrary; I labour under there and thefe temptations, and therforeI fear that lam none of Godschild : yea, fometimes the fame perfon thus : Firft, he does-not obferve his own heart,and faks he, Ifear I am noneofOods child,for I never was tempted. Af- terward, when he meetswith temptation then he doubts again that he is not GodsChild becaufe he is tempted : Oh what Childifh dealing is this with god your Fa- ther ! an 1L " But Applica.