Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Ai- 10 Thegreat Gofpel-Myfieryof the Saintscomfort and holineJ': reft, he was in the jayle, in the grave: The Father, the great Creditor lets him out; and did not only let himout, but the Lord jefus Chrift, he goes into Heaven, and fits down there at the right hand of the Father; Surely, if the Creditor had not been fatisfied, the Surety fhould never have bin releafed out ofprifon . He was fo fuliy fatisfied, That he /corefor iniquity, and he foundnone, (faies the text.) He look't over all his books, to fee ifhe could find any thing upon the (core, but he found none : all our debtswere paid. Beholdthe Lamb of God, that tales away the fin ofthe world. He does not fay, That takes away;the fin of the Jewes wily; but takes away thefin of the whole world. He does not fay, That takes away the fins, (in the plural Number) but takes away the fin (in the fingular Number :) Sins go fo together, as if theywere but one : but let the fin be never fo twitted toge- ther, as ifit were but one fin, this lamb of God, he takes away the fin of the world. And he does not fay, That hash pardoned the fin of the world : for then a poor foul might fay, I but, though he bathpardon'd my fin, yet my fin is not mortified. Neither does he fay, Behold the lamb of God that Mortifies, or Defh oyes the fin of the world : But he gives you a word, that takes in, both pardon, and Mortification too. Behold the lamb of God that takes them away : both in regard of Pardon, and in regard of Mortification : Behold the Lamb of God that tales away the fin of the world. There is nothing that does fo fatisfie God the Father, as Obedience, and the more full the Obedience is the more God the Father is fatisfied thereby : Now it is faid of our Lord and faviour Chrift, Thu. in this great facrifice upon the Croffe, he was Obedient. He was Obedient even to the deathofthe Croft. That he that did make the Law, fhould come down from Heaven, and be fubjea to theLaw, what Obedience was here ! Obedient to the Death. Yea, unto the Deaths (in theplural Number) And he nlade his grave with the fattens:: and his Deaths was with .h.-e. rich. He made bit