Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, andappliedfernemuSTs Priefily-0fice. Youfhall obferve, that the new Covenant of grace, It is laid, and founded, upon the fatisfa&ion of Jelin Chrift upon the Croffe, upon that oblation. Three times, the Apoftle Paul.makesmention ofthenewCovenant of grace in the:bookofthe Hebrews, the 8, 9, and to. Chapters: and in all thefe places he laies the Covenant of grace, and founds it upon theefatisfaaion ofJefus Chrift. but efpeci- ally, in the 9. Chapter, the z 3, z4, and 15. verfes. The i 4. Rowmach morefrail the blood of-Cbrift, who through the eter- nal Spirit offered himfelfwithout .kot to God, purgejour confeience from dead work, to ferve the living God. 1 hen at the 15. Andfor this caul e, he is the Alediator of the new Tellament. Fcr this eaufe : plainly laying thenewCovenant ofgrace, upon the fatisfattion of Jefus Chrift, upon this part of his Prieft- ly Office. So then, thou maieft now go unto God the Fa- ther and fay, Lord, thou haf, made aCovenant of grace with poor man, and thisCovenant ofgrace is founded up- on the Prieftly Office, nd fatisfaEtion of Jefus Chrift ; and the Lord Jefus Chrift he bath fatisfied for rue and the newCovenant prornifes that we Pall be all taught of God : Lord, I am ignorant, Oh! thereforenow, by the fatisfaeci- onofChrift let me be taught of thee, that I may be made wife unto falvation. And foagain, Lord, thou hall made a Covenant of gracewith poor man ; this is laid upon the fatisfattion of Jefus Chrift : The Covenant of grace faies, /will writemy 'Law in your inward parts : Now, 0 Lord, Peeing Jefus Chrift bath founded this Covenant in his blood, and I am one ofthofe that he bath made ,fatisfaai- on for Oh! write thyLaw in my inward parts that I may do all thywills. but again, (in the Second place) that we may fee how this do conduce to our liolinefs: Strengthen faith, and we firengthen all : if faith be weakened, all grace isweakened: Strengthen your faith, and you firengthen all your Poli- nefs, and all your Graces. The way to firengthen a bough, or a branchofthe tree, is not to carry dung up into the tree, but to lay it' to the root : Strengthen the root, f 2 and 2.