Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, and applied from CI-111157'S PrlealpOife this truthWs us how Chrift bath fatisfied for our fins, freed us from fin ; and fo we (hall be the more ingaged to Chrift. Ma man were going to prifon, even at the Comp- ter door, for a great futn ofmoney ; and the door were un,, locking : ifa man fhould comeand (peak to the Sergeant, Hold your hands, here is money for you, I will pay this mans debt, andlaies the money down; would not this poor debtor takehimfeiffor ever in-gaged to that man, that Would thus come, and lay down the money, andfree-him fo feafonably from the Compter, and prifon ? Thus it was with theLord Chrift; Ah, we wereall going to pri- fon everlattingprifon, chains ofdarknefs, and he comes, and laies down the money, makes full fatisfaEtion to Cod the Father asour great High-Prieft : Oh ! what an ingage- ment is this to every foul unto the Lord Chrift, tobecome the Lord Cbrills for ever. Laftly, The- rnore,a mandoes deny his own ri4hteoufnef?, the more Holy he is with Gojel-Holinefl. It is Paid of the jewes, That they going about toeftablifh their own righteoufnefs, fubmitted not unto the righteoufnefs of Chrift So on the contrary; when aman doesgo about to ettablifh the righteoufnefsof Chrift, then he fubmits unto it, and then he denies his own righteoufnefs. The more we fee a fat, nefs offatisfaetionmade by Jefus Chat'', for all our fins, unto God the Father, the morewe acknowledge Chrifts, righteoufnefs, and the more weeftablifh it, and the more we fhall be brought offfrom all our own righteoufnefs. Oh!- Therefore now, as ever you do defire , to have more Grace, more Holinefs, more Comfort ; ftudy, and ftudy much this Priefilyoffice ofJefus Chrift. There are many that complain, that they cannot profit under the meansofgrace : That .they have hard hearts : That the, wales,and Ordinances ofGod are not-fweet to them ; Pra- yer they doperform, but with no -fvveetnefs, they do not relifh the blood and Spirit of Chrift upon theirfpiritsin their duties, &c. Many complain that their fins and temptations ( like the cons of Zarviab) aretoo mighty for, them, 2! +.411.£,M1.1.1.11,1,11.1.1111